A Party?

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A few months go by and everything is normal. So normal that it's almost.. boring. Kacchan and I have been getting along great for the most part. Small arguments here and there but nothing you can do about that. We leave for break tonight which means we will all be home. It's going to be weird being back, it's been awhile since I've seen my parents. Longer than I'd like to admit actually.

As I sit at my desk I draw aimlessly with my head propped up by my other hand. People around me are talking but I could care less, I'm just so tired. School has been draining me and we've been doing such hardcore training sessions I feel so limp.

The bell rings and I have no clue how long I've been daydreaming but I guess it doesn't matter, when I look around it looks like most everyone is. I stand up and grab my stuff, shoving it into my bag. Everyone is walking out so I follow as well. Some people are talking but most of us are just dragging ourselves to our dorms. Exhausted feels like it's not enough to describe how we are feeling.

I get to my dorm and I stretch, falling backwards on to my bed after throwing my bag to the side. I had already packed to go home so now it was time to just relax until I had to leave. I hear a super quiet knock on my door and I sit up. I stay still for a second because I honestly don't know if that was even a knock. I sit in silence for a few seconds before I hear a quiet "Y/N.." come from the other side of my door. I furrow my eyebrows and stand up, walking to the door. I open is slowly and it reveals a very red Izuku. "Uh" I say and he looks at me. "Oh! Y/N!" "..Yeah?" I ask and he looks away. "Do you need something?" I ask and his head shoots to me.

"Oh uh no. No I'm ok." He says and he turns and walks away. I lean out of my door and watch him walk into the elevator then give me an awkward wave and smile. "What the f-" "Hey." A deep voice breaks me out of my thoughts and I turn my head to see Kacchan standing behind me. "Hello." I say and stand up straight. "Why are you just staring down the hall." He asks and I turn around then face him again. "Oh um.." I think about what just happened. He'd definitely call me an idiot if I told him. "Nothing. I was looking for you." I lie and go to walk into my dorm, him following. "Don't say stuff like that, you sound like an idiot." He says and I roll my eyes. I guess I can't really avoid that, huh.

I bend over and grab my bag off of the ground and set it on my bed. Grabbing a few things on my nightstand and shoving them into it too. "You're leaving?" I hear Kacchan's voice come from right behind me. Chills go down my spine as I turn around and he's right in front of me. "Well yeah, we all have to." He scrunches his eyebrows together and leans down to me. "The thunderbolt and hard on are having a party tonight. You're coming." He says and I turn around and grab my bag. "Probably not." I say and he grabs my arm, turning me around. "You are."

I roll my eyes and get on my tip toes so I'm by his ear. "I don't know why you think you can tell me what to do but as soon as I'm home, not even I control what I do." I whisper. I see him get goosebumps on his neck and he pushes me on to my bed. He turns away from me and heads to the door. "You're coming tonight." He says as he leaves. I giggle to myself that I was able to fluster him so easily. I stand up and grab my bags, locking the door behind me as I walk out. I walk to the elevator and click the ground button. The doors start to close as Kirishima comes running towards it. "Hey! Keep the doors open" I put my foot in the way making them open back up and he comes inside, the doors closing once again.

"So.." Kirishima says, hunched over and out of breath. He looks up to me and stretches, his hands going over his head. "You coming tonight?" He asks, nudging me. I laugh a bit as I stumble a bit. "I don't know.. My parents are kinda strict." I say and he leans down to make eye contact with me. "Hey, no one is forcing you to come, if you can't make it it's totally fine!!" I awkwardly laugh remembering the conversation I had about 5 minutes ago where Bakugo basically told me he's forcing me to go. "Right" I say and the doors open with a ding. He pats my shoulder and walks out. "I hope to see you tonight!!" He calls as he walks around the corner. "Same.." I say quietly as I walk out. I wish.

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