Slowly Healing

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"AYYEE Y/N!!" Kirishima calls and I jolt awake at the sudden call of my name. It's morning now and surprisingly I slept pretty good through some of the night.

I look over and see Kaminari and Kirishima walking to me, flowers and stuffed animals in hand. "We missed you!! Did you get enough rest?" Kaminari asks and Kacchan stands up. "She was until you guys showed up." They ignore him and walk to the bed, handing me the stuffed animals and placing my flowers on a nearby table. "Are you feeling any better? I heard some of what happened.." Kirishima says and sits on my bed. "It must have been hard but look at you, strong and powerful!!" He adds and Kaminari sits on the other side. "Yeah!! You did amazing!! Got out of there safe!!" I smile at them and they smile back.

"Thank you for coming, I didn't expect anyone from school to show up besides Kacchan." They look at each other then back at me. "Of course we would come. Like we said, we really missed having you around" Kirishima says and looks at Kacchan who is fuming over the amount of attention I'm receiving. "Chill Bakugo!! It's almost been a week of not seeing her, you can't just keep her to yourself!!" He laughs. "Doesn't mean you nerds have to be so friendly." He says in a low tone and they both laugh. "No need to be so angry!!" Kaminari says and turns to me. "We are glad you're back, all of us. People at school, the teachers, everyone. It was scary for a minute, not that we doubted you but because you were here one minute and gone the next. It's scary stuff and we will all make sure it doesn't happen again, right Bakugo?" Kaminari says. Kirishima nods his head and looks to Kacchan who is standing with his arms crossed. "Yeah, whatever. They come anywhere near us again and I'll blow their brains out." "That's the spirit!!" Kirishima says excitedly and him and Kaminari both stand. "Well it was really nice to see you, I hope you start to feel even better." Kaminari says and looks to Kirishima. "Yeah, get better soon so we can see you around school again!! It's a whole different place without that smile around!!" I smile to Kirishima and he smiles back. Both of them wave and walk out of the room.

"They are so annoying." Kacchan tsks and sits back down, rolling his eyes. "I thought it was pretty nice." I say holding my stuffed animals. "Yeah whatever, it's not hard to impress you." "I'll take that as a compliment." He rolls his eyes and looks to the clock. "Damn idiots, coming so early in the morning. It's only 9 am, don't they have anything better to do?"

The rest of the day went by normal, every once in awhile a classmate would stop in and ask how I'm doing and I always told them I'm doing great regardless of how I felt in the moment. It's now 4pm and Kacchan left about an hour ago to go see his mom for something. My parents had come in and check on me for about 45 minutes but also went home knowing I was ok and after they had talked to the doctor about everything that had happened. I finally had my room to myself and time to think.. Everything is still kinda blurry but I know most of everything that happened. It's crazy.. It doesn't seem real. How and why me? I know she's upset about the whole past thing but why keep a grudge that long?

A nurse comes in with a plate of food and a cup of water. "Eat up" She says and smiles, handing my food and water to me. "Thank you" I smile back and she walks out. I start eating. The foods surprisingly decent. Mashed potatoes and chicken nuggets with some corn on the side, it's alright for hospital food. About half way through my meal my door opens and Kacchan walks in and takes a seat on the chair next to me. "Welcome back." I say as I take a bite of a nugget. "Yeah yeah." He throws a blanket over himself and cuddles into the chair. "Tired?" I ask and I place my plates and stuff next to me. "No shit" I roll my eyes but I'm also happy he's back to the way he was. "Come up here, you've been sleeping in that chair for I'm not sure how long" "You know we can't both fit. Besides, I'm not going to make you collapse your wings and hurt yourself more." I sigh knowing I'm not going to win this argument. A few hours of watching (favorite movie) go by and it's now about 8 so I decide it's probably best to go to sleep, more rest will hopefully help me out of this hospital faster. It takes me a good few minutes to fall asleep but once I do my dreams are so vivid.

It's Kacchan and I in the fort when we were younger. Everything is going by normal until I'm ripped out from under the tree and I'm pulled to the water and thrown into it. Now soaking wet, I look up and it's her but her younger self. "How could you do this to me." She asks and I look confused. "I did nothing to you." She points to the fort without losing eye contact with me. "Him. You took him from me. You know what you did. How could you? You don't even know me yet you would hurt me like this! Why?" Still confused I don't know if I should argue or not.. "You're right. I don't know you. I don't know you so how could I have possibly known you liked Kacchan too. I had never met you, you never introduced yourself to me but Kacchan did. I can't read your mind. I never meant to hurt you." Shes quiet for a minute before continuing. "Everything and everyone I have ever loved gets taken from me. It's your fault. Everything is your fault."

I wake up by the sound of my alarm meaning it was 9:30. I turn it off and I look to my right. Kacchan's chair he's usually sleeping in is empty. Soon after my nurse comes in to take a look at my wings and help me stretch my legs and to help me open and close my wings. It's getting a lot easier and every time she changes the bandages I can tell they are getting better. My feathers are growing back and I no longer feel pain when closing or opening them as often. Today might be the day I get released!

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