Who are you?

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"I haven't had dinner yet. Do you want to go get fast food?" We've been laying in bed for about an hour and it's near 7 pm. "Yeah, that sounds great." We get up and leave his room, walk to the elevator and get in. Just as the door is about to close someone stops it. I look up and it's the girl from earlier. I stare at her not able to take my eyes off. "Y/N? Are you ok?" I.. I can't look away. The elevator chimes and the doors open and she walks out, winking at me and then turning the corner. I snap out of the trance. "Wait!!" I say and run after her but as I turn the corner she's gone. "Y/N!! What are you doing?! You're that excited to get food?" I look over to him and he gives me a look of confusion. "That's the girl. That's the girl I saw you or whoever kiss. She winked at me. She-" "Who are you talking about?" Kacchan cuts me off and I stand there for a few seconds trying to understand what just happened. "What do you mean? She was in the elevator with us." "Y/N, it was just us? No one else was in the elevator."

My heart drops and I get lightheaded.

~~~Kacchan's POV~~~

I look down the hall and see no one. As I turn back to look at Y/N she's falling to the ground. I catch her before she hits her head. "Y/N? Y/N wake up. Are you ok??" I start panicking. What do I do? Where do I go?

"Ayeee Bakugo!! How'd things go-" "Get help. Now." I cut Kirishima off and he runs over to us. "Geez man. I knew you guys had bad blood but I didn't think you'd kill her." "Stop making stupid jokes." I lift her up and I follow him to the nurses office and set her on the bed. Kirishima leaves and the nurse starts asking me questions.

"When did symptoms start occurring?"
"I'm not sure.."
"Has she eaten today"
"I don't know.."
"Has she been getting enough sleep?"
"I.. have no idea."
"When's the last time she had water?"
I stay silent.

I know nothing about her schedule anymore. I'm useless and she needs me right now.

"Well, as her friend you should start watching a little more closely. I know it's not your duty to take care of her but a little bit of checking if someone is ok is always useful."

"I know.."

"So what happened before she went faint?" The nurse asks and rolls her chair over to Y/N, checking her ears and doing basic health procedures. "She saw someone, a girl. She saw the same girl earlier. She said she was in the elevator with us but I didn't see anyone. She ran out to chase her then shortly after is when she fell."

"A girl?" "Yeah." "Did she say what she looked like?" "No but she said she wasn't from this school." "You should go back to your dorm. I need to call All Might down. Your friend will be fine, have a nice night, Bakugo." She starts trying to push me out the door but I stop. "I can't leave her." "She is under our watch now, we will make sure she is ok, no need to worry." She rushes me out and closes the door.

~~~Your POV~~~

All I see is darkness. "You're a cute one. That's why I chose you." I hear a female voice followed by giggles. "It's always the cute ones. The best ones to play with." More giggles.. "Hello?" I say, my throat raspy. "An easy target. Dumb cute girl in love." "Who are you?" "You'll be a lot of fun to play with. My new toy." "What do you want?" I hear my own voice say "Kacchan" but I didn't say it.. I can't breathe.. I can't..

My eyes shoot open and I sit up taking a heavy breath. All Might and the nurse come rushing to my bed and try getting me to calm down. My breathing isn't slowing. Like I just ran a marathon. The nurse hands me water and tells me to take small sips and I do, finally calming down. She tells me to lay back down but I need to find Kacchan. "Please! Let me go! Kacchan needs my help! Where is he!" All Might and the nurse look at each other and he runs out of the room. "What's going on?" The nurse grabs paper and begins questioning me on what's been going on lately.. so I tell her everything. Everything since the fight Kacchan and I had to the dream I woke up to.

"She had blonde long hair. Skinny. Dark eyes from what I could see and light skin. I've never seen her before." I get a flashback of what she looked like as she left the elevator.

I don't know who she is

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I don't know who she is.. or why I'm important. What is going on..

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