Chapter 1

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A/n: This chapter contains minor descriptions of abuse from the reader's childhood. Also sorry for any grammatical mistakes, I try but I'm very dyslexic. I really hope you enjoy my first chapter!

Y/n's POV-

     I sat on the ground outside my house looking up at the calm sky, soaking in the clouds and all their beauty. The world I lived in sure was hell, but ocasionally there were moments like these where the cruel world seemed to disappear, and all that was left was nature and it's beauty. Taking in a deep breath I relished in the quiet and closed my eyes.

     Just then I heard the faint sound of boots on the ground. I opened my eyes and quickly stood up, turning around quickly to face the dirrection the noise had come from. I felt the cardigan that had been shielding my 3DMG from view whip around as I had turned, revealing my gear. I went to adjust it to where it had sat previously, but I noticed a tall, built man standing where the noise had once come from.

     The man had already seen my 3DMG before I could readjust my cardigan. With a small smirk he began to walk closer to me. He began to speak, saying, “Hey little girl, what are you doing with equipment like that? Where are your parents?”

      The man spoke with concern, but I could easily tell the concern was fake. The man wanted me to drop my guard, and if there is one thing I have learned from years of living alone, it is never to trust anyone right off the bat. As he kept getting closer to me he asked, “Do you think I could take a look at your gear little girl?” 

     I could tell the man was extremely underestimating me from his tone of voice and I was not having it. I glared at him, staring him down with a look that made it seem like daggers were shooting out of my eyes. He seemed to notice how angry I was and put his hand on my shoulder. 

     “Woah woah woah there, calm down, you’ve got nothing to be upset about, I was just here for a friendly chat with your parents kid. We’re buddies from work ya know,” the man said.

     I finally decided to speak, fed up with this man’s lies, “Get your hand off of me right now and don’t ever touch me again shithead.”

    The man backed off from me and turned much colder than he had just been, scoffing at my attitude and rolling up his sleeves in anger. “Feisty one I see,” he said in a deep cold voice that sounded much different from his previous voice, “Hey guys! Get over here, thought we were going to have an easy time robbing this house, but it seems like this kid has attitude and 3DMG that we could sell for big bucks!”

     In a matter of seconds three more big men arrived beside my house. I sighed, upset that these thugs had ruined my once peaceful moment. I removed my cardigan, fully exposing my equipment and drew my swords from the heavy boxes on my sides. My e/c eyes drooped lazily in utter boredom as a stood in a fighting position. 

     “Wow, didn’t think you would know how to use that equipment missy. Wish we didn’t have to fight like this kid, but we have to do what we have to do little girl,” The man said as they all pulled out an assortment of knives, all of different sizes. 

     Thoroughly over the use of the phrase ‘little girl’ to describe me, I decided it was useless to drag this fight out any longer, just wanting it to be over with. I quickly began to run at them with speeds that seemed to surprise them. I jumped into the air and shot my hooks to my roof, quickly making it there and running to the edge where I proceeded to shoot my hooks to the tree that had been behind the four men. Once I had arrived at the tree I fired my hooks to the ground just behind the men. I had moved with such swiftness and speed they didn’t even have time to turn around by the time I reached them with all the speed I had gained. 

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