Levi’s POV-
I climbed down the Titan I was on and went over to where Y/n was, helping her to stand up. “How are you feeling?”
“Oh, I’m fine, just had the wind knocked out of me, I’ll be back to normal any second, don’t worry,” Y/n said.
I sighed, I would always worry, “Ok then, Y/n, head west, you’ll find Hanji’s squad and mine, as of right now you are officially a member of the Scouts and will be helping us to rid this town of the rest of the Titans suck inside,” Y/n nodded and headed off.
“As for the rest of you, Ackerman, Arlert, get Jaeger back to the inner wall, let the commanders figure out what will be done with him.”
With that I took off towards Y/n and the rest of the Scouts, since it seemed like when we got here most of the Titans had been corralled to the edge of the wall, cannons should be able to get most of those that made it in. There were still plenty I saw on my way here that we would need to get using gear though.
I quickly caught up to everyone and arrived slightly after Y/n, my squad was obviously given orders by someone else to begin the clean up as they were spread through the area. On a roof was Hanji, Molbit, and Y/n. I landed next to them as Hanji wrapped her arms tightly around Y/n, smothering her in a hug.
Hanji’s hands managed to wrap around Y/n’s face as she pressed her own face against Y/n’s, “Ooh ohh Y/N! I’m sooooo happy that you made it through all of what has happened today! I was so afraid we wouldn’t see you again! But look at you now, a fully fledged scout!”
“Quit it Shitty-glasses, or you might be the one to take Y/n out for the count,” I said, causing Hanji to pout and let Y/n go. Y/n rubbed the back of her head with her right arm and smiled, closing her eyes while she let her lips curl upwards.
“Awe, thanks Hanji, trust me, I’m glad I’m here too, had some close calls out there,” Y/n said with a somewhat fake laugh.
“Alright, well I’ll explain the game plan to the both of you, since someone took off as soon as we got to Trost without listening to all of what Erwin had to say,” Hanji paused, staring me down, “We are tasked with eliminating all the leftover Titans in the district since that Jaeger boy was able to close up the hole in the wall. We are trying to stay low on casualties so stay in a group and help out those in need, since the Garrison will be helping us as well.
Levi, your squad has already begun on my orders and I have them on the far east part of the wall, making their way to the center of the district, feel free to join them as I will be joining my squad, but since your squad is the special ops squad, make sure you all take a lap of the whole district when you are done. Y/n how about you go join your new squad, I want to talk with Levi for a second.”
“Of course,” Y/n said, turning to me, “Levi?”
“That’s captain to you on official scout missions,” I said with a bit of mockery in my voice, “but yes, that is fine, I will catch up to you in a few.”
She rolled her eyes and sarcastically waved her hand ‘goodbye’, “Alrighty then, bye Hanji… bye Captain.” She giggled as she took off towards the rest of my squad.
“So what is it you want four eyes?” I asked, eager to follow behind Y/n.
“Oh Molbit you can take off too, I’ll be quick,” Hanji said with a devilish grin. What was she up to?
Molbit nodded and left, allowing Hanji to turn her whole focus to me, “Oh Levi… you really love her don’t you?”
I took a step back, caught off guard by the words Hanji was bombarding me with. What did she mean, ‘love’? “Love who?”

The Pain Made Me Strong ~ Levi x Reader
RomanceY/n's tragic past leads her to train herself using her father's old Survey Corps equipment, becoming a brilliant and independent soldier. She uses her abilities to ward off crime in her village, till the day that Shiganshina District is attacked. Y...