Y/n’s POV-
I grunted loudly as I vigorously maneuvered through the thick woods I was stuck in, hoping to soon find the path I had once been following. The extreme pain I was feeling in my foot made it extremely painful to use my gear. I was in so much pain that my body began to sweat profusely and I was very dizzy.
I had to continue to keep my focus though, no matter how much my body wanted to collapse under the pain. Levi had trained me well, I was used to continuing under high stress and exhaustion, but he was never able to prepare me for continuing under this much pain.
What is keeping me going right now is the promise I made Levi; I promised him I wouldn’t die, I promised that I would make it back, that we would both make it back. I was traveling higher up so I had more time to catch my balance when I occasionally lost it. The pain was making my head spin and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to stay conscious for too long with how out of it I was becoming.
I didn’t want to give into the pain, but my eyes watered as I began to cry from the torment. The trees around me grew blurry and I tried to blink the tears away. My maneuvering was all over the place, even more so than before. I would come close to a tree, then quickly have to dodge it after not realizing I was approaching it.
It was so irritating not being in complete control, and at this point I didn’t even know where I was going, the only thing that I could think was, ‘Get to Levi. Get to Levi. Get to Levi.”
After a few more minutes I finally saw the light brown color and split of the trees of the path that the Scouts traveled on when going through the forest. I let out a sigh of relief knowing all I had to do was follow the path to find my way out, they should be waiting right outside the forest since that was about where the base was going to be made.
Just as I began to follow the path I heard the worst noise I could ever hear, the gas in my tanks began to lightly fizz, signaling me that I was now out of gas. I began to tumble to the ground the same way I had earlier after I escaped that first titan. I once again landed harshly and felt another sharp pain surge up my ankle.
More tears filled my eyes as I tried to move my ankle, just to be presented with more and more pain. I knew my ankle was now worse, and I knew that there was no way I could continue on foot or with gear even if I could refill my tanks.
I was on my knees sobbing when I heard loud thuds approaching me from behind. I take back what I said earlier, this is a worse sound than the gear giving out. I turned to look behind me and saw a large titan reaching out for me.
Levi’s POV-
Titans don’t usually do that, they don’t just follow one person with other people around, they usually can be distracted. I have never seen even an abnormal do something like this. Walls, I knew Erwin shouldn’t have sent Y/n on this expedition. Everything seemed fine, everything was working out, then out of nowhere this happens?
I hope she is ok, I can’t live with myself if she dies, she promised me she wouldn’t, but she just used her gear upside down and tumbled into the forest floor, the possibility she survived that is very small. I turned around with my gear, about to go back and look for her.
“Captain! You know you can’t go back for her!” a cadet yelled.
“Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do cadet!” I yelled harshly.
“Captain you know there is no way she could have survived that, now we all need to get out of here before that titan comes back for us. I can’t allow you to go back and get yourself killed, humanity needs you. You know Commander Erwin wouldn’t want you to risk your life like this. Think of everyone who are still alive and struggling to get out of this forest right now, go help them. Go save the lives that aren’t already lost!” The cadet yelled.

The Pain Made Me Strong ~ Levi x Reader
RomanceY/n's tragic past leads her to train herself using her father's old Survey Corps equipment, becoming a brilliant and independent soldier. She uses her abilities to ward off crime in her village, till the day that Shiganshina District is attacked. Y...