Y/n’s POV-
When I woke up I could tell a few hours had passed by the sudden chill that rushed over me and the low sun as it began to set. I noticed I had slid down the tree to lay on the ground as I slept, meaning my jacket and pants had accumulated some dirt. I stood and brushed myself off, feeling much calmer than I had when I went to sleep.
Seeing where the sun was in the sky, I assumed that dinner was probably about to be served, so I decided to begin walking over to the mess hall. I took deep breaths of the cool air that surrounded me and tried to think of what Shadis and Commander Erwin had told me.
I really should open up more and not close myself off so quickly when I am confronted with questions if I am going to be living with these people for three years. The whole point of being comrades is trusting each other, but they will never trust me if I close myself off.
As I walked I felt a weight lift off my shoulders as I decided to stop hiding myself from my comrades. I would tell them in the mess hall, I would tell them everything, I would put my trust in the hands of my fellow cadets tonight.
I grew closer to the mess hall and my stomach turned in anticipation. I opened the doors and walked to grab my food, choosing to sit in the back corner of the mess hall. I looked around and saw that about two thirds of the cadets were already here. Eren and his friends weren’t here yet, so I decided to wait and began to eat.
A few minutes passed and the doors to the mess hall swung open, revealing Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and a few others. They grabbed their food and I saw Eren search the room, his eyes landed on mine and he began to walk to my table with determination. He sat across from me and his friends gathered around.
“Y/n! I know you told me that not everyone is as open as me, and I understand that, but you have to understand that we are all so confused at what has happened the past two days. Your story became our business when it was announced that the commander of the Survey Corps sent you and when humanity’s strongest soldier showed up at a trainee camp,” Eren explained.
I took a deep breath and looked Eren in the eye, putting down the spoon to my lukewarm soup. “I understand Eren, and I’m sorry I acted the way I did earlier today. I have thought more on this, and have decided that I just need to trust you all, so if you want to hear my story, the full story, I will tell you.”
Eren nodded and I began to stand on the bench I had once sat on, much to the confusion of Eren, “Hello 104th cadet. My name is Y/n L/n, and as some of you may have noticed, I have tried to stay pretty closed off here. After the events of today and yesterday, I am sure many of you have grown confused of my origins and why I am here.
I have decided you all have a right to know more about me, so here's my story, from start to finish. When my mom got pregnant my father retired from the Survey Corps. My father grew distant and full of regret and drank himself until he died of alcohol poisoning. A year later, my mother killed herself from the depression she felt over the loss of my father. I was twelve and had no one.
I found my father’s survey corps gear and taught myself to fight, use the 3DMG, and kill titans. For three years I trained and fought thugs in my village. When the colossal titan showed up in Shiganshina I heard noise and grew concerned. Suddenly I saw the armoured titan break through the interior gate and knew what I had to do.
I called my village to evacuate and went to fight in Shiganshina, trying to hide from the Survey Corps so they wouldn’t know I wasn’t an actual soldier. I killed 28 titans and began to make my way back to my village, yet I saw the last boat was about to be overturned by a titan that was next to the wall and reaching out towards the boat.

The Pain Made Me Strong ~ Levi x Reader
RomanceY/n's tragic past leads her to train herself using her father's old Survey Corps equipment, becoming a brilliant and independent soldier. She uses her abilities to ward off crime in her village, till the day that Shiganshina District is attacked. Y...