Y/n’s POV-
Slowly I brought my head up to face my fate.
I took a deep breath with my eyes closed as I felt the presence of the twenty some odd Titans all around me. I opened my eyes as a hand from the titan right in front of me reached out to grab me. A tear fell down my cheek as I prepared to be grabbed.
My eyes met with the Titan’s and suddenly… it froze. I scanned my eyes to all the Titans around the frozen one, and as our eyes met every single one of them stopped moving immediately. I turned around to those that were behind me, trying to grasp the situation I was in. I watched as every single Titan that was once surrounding me and reaching for my body were now frozen still.
“Huh? W-why aren’t they moving?” I questioned out loud.
The moment lasted forever, twenty Titans, staring at me, frozen in their place. They almost looked… shocked. I was breathing heavy, I kept turning around every few seconds, desperate to understand what was going on around me. Why wasn’t I dead?
As I just stood there in awe of the situation, loud noises began to be heard coming from the Titans around me. They were rough and raspy voices, like someone who was just getting over a cold and hadn’t talked in days. They filled the area surrounding me. They started off as incoherent mumbles, but slowly they were built into broken words.
“H-el-p… u-s…” I could hear vaguely coming from the titan in front of me, its hand still stretched out, frozen in its reach for me.
“Sa-v-e...us…” I heard from behind me, whipping around quickly as the words grew clearer.
The only part of the Titans body’s that was moving was their mouth as they tried to speak out to me. What was going on? I didn’t even know that Titan’s had vocal cords let alone know how to use them… no one has ever heard a Titan speak before.
I was dead. I was definitely dead. Dead or I am severely delusional and hearing things. There is absolutely no way this is happening right now. I don’t know what any of this means.
After they figured out how to say those two phrases all of them began to say it more and more, louder and louder, all looking down at my body, small in comparison to their giant ones. They were crying out for help through their slow raspy voices.
My ears were ringing at the chaos that was beginning to fill the air as these monsters begged me to help them. They were talking over each other, they were so loud that I could barely even understand it at this point. I covered my ears and dropped down to my knees. In my head, I begged for it all to just be over, begged to wake up from this back into the reality where I am being eaten.
I tried pinching myself, I tried closing my eyes, I tried everything I could think of and my surroundings weren’t going away.
I had had enough of the raspy yelling around me, “JUST BE QUIET!”
They all stopped, their mouths stopped moving and they grew silent. I slowly took my hands off my ears, I could hear my heart pounding throughout my whole body. Why were they listening to me. Through my shakiness and anxiety I stood up and looked at the Titan that had once been reaching for me.
“Why aren’t you killing me?” I asked. Was I seriously insane to the point I would question and try to communicate with a Titan?
“Yo-u...sav-e u...s”
“What do you mean? I don’t know what you are even talking about! How can I save you?” I asked in frustration.

The Pain Made Me Strong ~ Levi x Reader
Storie d'amoreY/n's tragic past leads her to train herself using her father's old Survey Corps equipment, becoming a brilliant and independent soldier. She uses her abilities to ward off crime in her village, till the day that Shiganshina District is attacked. Y...