chapter three

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Johnny's pov:

Lauren and I make our way to the elevator. I pressed the button and took my phone out of my pocket while I waited for the doors to open. soon enough the elevator doors open. I walked inside the elevator and Lauren followed behind me. I pressed the bottom for the fourth floor and watched the doors close. I looked over at Lauren who was looking down at her phone.

Johnny: “hey Laur, are you okay”

Lauren: “why wouldn't I be?”

Johnny: “i was just making sure”

after a few minutes of walking around the hospital hallways we finally found Mackenzie's room 114. the door was closed and I turned to Lauren. she had a nervous look on her face.

Johnny: “are you sure about this?”

Lauren: “I'm positive. she's my best friend John, I want to see her”

I opened the door and I was shocked at what I saw. Mackenzie was hooked up to a bunch of machines. her face was very pale and her hair was all knotted. I glance over at Lauren, she was about to cry. I pulled her into a hug and whispered in her ear that it was going to be okay.

I pulled away and sat in a chair next to the bed. I gently grabbed Mackenzie's hand and held it. Lauren pulled a chair next to me and layed her head on my left shoulder. I looked around the room. there was a couple of balloons and a big stuff animal bear. I took my phone out of my phone pocket and checked the time. it was 10:43 am. Lauren and I were supposed to be at school almost three hours ago. I snapped out of my thoughts when I noticed my mom Meredith and Mackenzie's mom Melissa walk into the room.

Melissa: “Johnny, Lauren?”

Lauren: “yes, mommy mel?”

Melissa: “the doctor said that Mackenzie can still hear us. talking to her will definitely help her get out of this coma that's she's in”

Johnny: “thank you for telling us”

I interlocked my fingers with Mackenzie's and smiled. I noticed out of the corner of my eyes that my mom and Melissa smirked at each other.

\8:45 pm\

I spent the whole day at Mackenzie's bedside and never let go of her hand unless I had to go to the restroom. Lauren fell asleep on me about 30 minutes ago.

Meredith: “hey John, I think we should start heading back home. you and Lauren still have school tomorrow"

Johnny: “okay, can I have a minute alone to talk to her please”

I watched my mom gently shake Lauren awake. she closed the door behind her.

Johnny: “hey Kenz. hopefully you can her me. I'm so sorry that this has happened to you. please fight for me. you're my best friend and I can't live without you. every since we met when we were in second grade, you made my life change completely. I can't thank you enough for all of the memories that we have. Makenzie, I know you have the strength in you to get through this. I believe you will get through this and you'll recover soon. please don't give up”

at this point I had tears running down my face. I was about to let go off her hand but I felt her squeeze my hand. I let go of her hand and get up out of the chair i was sitting in. I moved the chair backwards and walked to the door. i open the door and turn around to face Mackenzie. I take one last glance at her and close the door behind me.


{613 words}

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