chapter twenty seven

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johnnys pov:



this chapter mentions blood and self harm. if you are sensitive to these things skip this chapter


I closed my car door and locked my car. I walked up to mackenzies front door and rang the doorbell. I waited for her to open the door but she didn't. I knocked on the door a couple times and still no answer. I took the key maddie gave me out of my coat pocket and opened the door. I closed the door behind me and locked it. I slipped my sneakers off and heard something fall from upstairs.

johnny: "mackenzie?"

I took a few steps forward and listened. I heard faint sobs comng from upstairs.

I ran up the stairs into mackenzies room. I looked around her room and couldn't find her. I walked over to her bathroom door and twisted the door nob. I opened the door and saw mackenzie standing with a blade to her wrist. there was blood on dripping down her arm onto the bathroom floor. she looked at me with pain in her eyes and took a few steps backwards.

johnny: "kenz it's me, please put the blade down".

I took a step towards her.

mackenzie: "no! take one more step and I'll slit my wrist".

a tear slid down her face.

johnny: "mack please don't be like this".

I looked at the floor and noticed how much blood there was.

mackenzie: "johnny y-you need to go home".

her voice cracked and she closed her eyes.

johnny: "I can't leave you by yourself if you're doing stuff like this".

my voice was shakey. I don't know what to expect from her at this point. I just don't want her to hurt herself.

mackenzie: "you have to go..."

johnny: "mack i-"

mackenzie: "JUST GO!"

she interupted me. she has never raised her voice towards me before.

I let a tear fall down my face. I turned around and walked out of the room. I walked downstairs, put my sneakers on, and left her house. I started my car and drove home without the radio on.

I parked my car in the driveway and locked it. I walked inside and went straight upstairs to my room. I walked past lauren who was asking me what my problem was. I slammed my bedroom door and flopped onto my bed.


{375 words}

the next chapter is mackenzies pov.

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