chapter twenty three

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mackenzie's pov:

we arrive at the party. there's red solo cups all over the front lawn. drunk teenagers are standing or sitting on the front porch. I unbuckle my seatbelt and get out of the car. I pull up my jeans and fix my shirt. johnny locked the car and walked over to me.

johnny: "are you planning on drinking?"

he asked me. I made eye contact with him.

mackenzie: "probably not".

I said quietly.

johnny: "okay".

I looked away and glanced at the house. the music can be heard from outside. there must be hundreds of people here at this party. Lauren and johnny walked in front of me on the sidewalk leading up to the house. lauren opened the door and immediately I'm hit with a stench of sweat and alcohol. ew gross. it's definitely not a good mixture together.

the place was crowded. I pushed my way through the crowd until I make it to the kitchen. there's not a lot of people in the kitchen, maybe about 12 people including lauren, johnny, and I.

lauren: "what do you want to drink kenzie?"

she turned around and faced me.

mackenzie: "I'm not drinking tonight lolo"

lauren: "kenzie come on. stop being a stud and let loose".

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

mackenzie: "don't even peer pressure me lauren. if it really bugs you then I'll leave".

I turned on my heel and started to walk out of the kitchen.

lauren: "no one likes a party pooper!"

I heard her yell over the blasting music.

i struggled to get through the crowded house. I made my way outside and walked down the street. I looked around at the expensive houses in all along the street. i reached into my back pocket and took my phone out.

I checked the time and slightly groaned. I continued walking down the street to the corner. I walked into the parking lot and looked around. the parking lot is almost completely full. most of the cars look expensive while the other ones look like a normal person's car like my moms. I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I took it out and looked at the notification.

it was Johnny. he texted me and asked me where I was. I ignored it and unlocked my phone. I heard foot steps coming in my direction. I looked up from my phone and immediately recognized who it was. it was lily, maisy, and nadia. I panicked. they continued to walk towards me.

lily: "well, well, well. look at what the cat dragged in".

mackenzie: "what do you want lily?".

I asked her with no expression on my face.

nadia: "don't you dare talk to her like that you slut".

nadia snickered at me. I rolled my eyes.

mackenzie: "I was asking lily, not you".

she clenched her hands into fists.

nadia punched me in the face. I stepped back. lily stepped towards me. she took a fist full of my hair and yanked it. she punched me repeatedly in my face while nadia attacked me from behind while maisy recorded it. I fell to the ground. I didn't fight back at this point. there's no point in doing that. lily kicked me in the stomach while nadia kicked my back. maisy came closer and crouched down towards my face.

maisy: "this is what you get bitch".

she spat into my face. she slapped me and the three of them ran off.

I coughed up blood. I held my stomach and continued to cough up blood. I laid on the ground  for a few minutes before attempting to get up. I stood up and my vision became blurry immediately.


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