chapter six

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Johnny's pov:

johnny: “see you tomorrow kenz”.

I grabbed my phone and car keys off of the table near the door. I put them in my sweatshirts pocket. I walked over to the door and twisted the doorknob.


a shakey voice said my name.

i turned around and saw mackenzie sitting on the hospital bed giving me a concerned look on her face. I turned around and walked over to the bed. she slightly got up and embraced me into a tight hug. I hear her sob into my shoulder before I pulled away.

johnny: hey it's okay. please don't cry kenz”.

mackenzie: “i heard everything you said John. I tired to wake up. I really did. I just couldn't. I'm so sorry”.

makenzie brought her hands to her face and continued to sob into them. i sat down on the bed and moved her hands from her face. I wiped the tears that were streaming down her face with both of my thumbs. I watched her look down at her hands.

johnny: “kenz, it's okay. nothing is your fault. not the car accident or this. I knew that you were going to wake up believe it or not, I did”.

mackenzie: “h-how? how did you know that I was going to wake up?”.

johnny: “whenever you're in a bad situation you always somehow get yourself out of it. also, your a fighter. you don't give up easily”.

mackenzie: “i guess”.

johnny: “i saw your eyes move from under your eyelids and you kind of squeezed my hand”.

she moved her gaze up to my eyes and gave me a weak smile.

mackenzie: i know”.

johnny: “is it okay if I go call Lauren and your mom?”.

mackenzie: “that's fine”.

I got up from the bed and walked out of the room. I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed melissa's number. it rang a few times before answering.

*phone call convo*

melissa: "johnny it's almost 11 pm, what's up?".

johnny: "I'm sorry to bother you but it's important".

melissa: "alright".

johnny: "it's mackenzie".

Melissa: "I'll be there soon".

*phone call ends*

she immediately hung up and I walked back into the room. when I opened the door mackenzie looked up at me.

mackenzie: “what did my mom say?”.

johnny: “she'll be here soon. I didn't tell her that you're awake”.

mackenzie: “oh, what about lolo?

johnny: “i didn't call her. I was going to text her instead”.

mackenzie: “okay”.

i quickly texted lauren and asked her to bring my mom to the hospital with her. she simply replied with an okay.

johnny: “I'll be right back”.

mackenzie: “wait where are you going John?

johnny: “the desk down the hall. the doctors don't know you're awake. I won't take long I promise”.

i walked down the hallway and to the nurses station. I told them that mackenzie has woken up from her coma. I simply walked back into the room and sat down in a chair waiting for Melissa to arrive.

mackenzie: “can I play a game on your phone please?”.

I unlocked my phone and handed it to her. she got excited and smiled at me. I chuckled. she let out a little giggle. about 15 minutes later mackenzie was still playing on my phone while I was up looking around the small hospital room. I was looking through the bathroom when I heard a small knock at the door.

johnny: “come in!”.


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