chapter eighteen

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brooke's pov:

mackenzie rolled her eyes. lauren walked out of Paige's room wearing shorts and a hoodie. she laughed.

paige: “i ship jenzie!

mackenzie: “paige. shut up. you're going to wake up nia and kendall dumbass”.

lauren bursted out laughing.

brooke: “paige I can't deal with you. go to bed child”.

mackenzie laughed and put her hand over her mouth. her face turned bright red.

paige: “I'm not a child. I'm 19 you idiot”.

I watched her stick her tongue out.

brooke: “just go stupid”.

she walked into her room and closed the door behind her.

brooke: “you guys can sleep in maddie's room if you want”.

mackenzie: “okay. goodnight brooke”.

I pulled mackenzie into a hug.

brooke: “goodnight kenzie and lauren”.

i got up off of the couch and walked into my room and closed the door behind.

mackenzie's pov:

I got up from the couch and walked over to where Lauren was standing.

lauren: “I'm sooooo sorry”.

she said sarcastically. I gave her a annoyed look.

mackenzie: “brooke put my dirty clothes in washer. did Paige put your clothes in there too?

lauren: “yeah. where is maddie's room?

mackenzie: “let me show you”.

we walked into maddie's room. I set my phone on the vanity and walked over to the bed.

lauren: “do you know when we are going home?

mackenzie: “no but I don't want to go back there”.

lauren: “why?

mackenzie: “i grew up with these girls Lolo. I love all of my friends back home but these girls are my family”.

lauren: “oh. let's get some sleep I'm tired”.

mackenzie: “goodnight lolo”.

lauren: “goodnight kenz”.

\9:01 am\

kendall's pov:

I woke up and got ready for that day. I brushed my hair and changed into black ripped jeans and a dark blue long sleeve crop top. I walked out of my room and into the kitchen.

I saw a girl with light brown hair sitting at the kitchen island eating cereal.

kendall: “mackenzie?

the brunette turned around, ran to me, and embraced me into a hug.

kendall: “I've missed you mack z”.

mackenzie: “I missed you too kendall k”.

I pulled out of the hug.

kendall: “so what have you been up too?”

mackenzie: “not much. I ran away from home with three other people but only two of us made it”.

kendall: “so who else is here?”

mackenzie: “my best friend lauren orlando. you're gonna like her, paige and brooke already do”.

kendall: “i bet. paige loves everyone”.

I laughed.

mackenzie: “so what is everyone doing today?”

kendall: “nothing really. we are going to watch Netflix all day”.

mackenzie doesn't know that maddie and lauren's brother are arriving today from pittsburgh.

I walked to the cupboard and grabbed the box of Lucky charms out. a blonde haired girl walked out of maddie's room.

mackenzie: “good morning lolo. kendall this is lauren. lauren this is kendall”.

lauren: “it's nice to meet you kendall”.

kendall: “it's nice to meet you too lauren”.

the rest of the girls woke up and ate breakfast. we spent the next few hours getting to know each other and to catch up. we watched a few episodes of Riverdale and then watched the vampire diaries together.

\4:56 pm\

brooke grabbed her phone and looked at something. everyone else was on their phones. it's very strange. I turned my focus back to the tv. the doorbell rang. nia smirked at brooke.

mackenzie: “I'll get it”.

I got up off of the couch and walked to the door. I opened the door. it was Maddie and Johnny. Johnny looked up from his shoes and glanced at me. I ran and jumped into his arms.

my arms wrapped around his neck and my legs were wrapped around his waist. he wrapped his arms around my waist.

johnny: “well hi kenz”.

mackenzie: “hi j”.

I got down and turned around. everyone was recording on their phones. I hugged maddie and they walked inside. I closed the door behind them. lauren exchanged her hugs with Johnny and maddie.


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