chapter five

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Lauren's pov:

it's been two weeks. Mackenzie is still in a coma and Johnny is depressed. he hasn't been keeping up with his school work. he goes to class late, puts his head down or argue with the teacher and gets kicked out of class. I've never seen him behave like this before. it's kinda scaring me. he still goes to the hospital everyday to see her for more than a couple of hours.

I haven't been going to the hospital as much anymore. I haven't been in a couple of days. I really don't want to see Kenzie like that. in a terrible state. I do care about her alot. she's like my older sister and not a very close friend. I might go to the hospital before John and I leave for a family vacation in two days. I don't really want to go and have anything bad to happen to Mackenzie while I'm going to be out of the country hundreds of miles away. I haven't spoke or seen Johnny since lunch earlier at school. he's probably with Mackenzie in her room at the hospital. I can tell that some people are losing faith in Mackenzie. people stopped visiting her as much. I still have 100% faith in her. I'm not going to give up on her just yet. I know she can do it.

Johnny's pov:

it's Friday. the car accident was two weeks ago and she's still in a coma. I'm currently in Mackenzie's hospital room once again. I've been here everyday by her bedside for multiple hours a day. I haven't seen Greg stop by in a week. Melissa hasn't really been around either but she's been here more than her step father. it's currently 9:57 pm and it's getting pretty late. I have a 30 minute drive back to my house and I can't spend the night here like I wanted to.

Johnny: “kenzie it's been two weeks since you've been in a coma. you have shown improvements to the doctors and everyone else. please wake up soon. I'm leaving for a family vacation in two days and I don't anything bad to happen to you while I won't be around. please don't stop fighting kenz. I know you can get yourself out of this current situation. you always get yourself out of bad situations so why would this one be any different?”.

I got up out of the chair I was sitting in and walked close to the bed. i tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead.

Johnny: “see you tomorrow kenz”.

I grabbed my phone and car keys off of the table near the door. I put them in my sweatshirts pocket. I walked over to the door and twisted the doorknob.


a shakey voice said my name...


{476 words}

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