chapter fourteen

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a mature theme is in this chapter. skip the words in between the dots if you don't like sexual concepts.

mackenzie's pov:

we started running down the street and we didn't look back. once we were on the edge of town Maddie made us stop.

maddie: “guys hold up”.

we all stopped running and tried to catch our breath.

maddie: “we're going to have to go in the woods. we don't want to be seen but we can't lose sight of the thruway”.

johnny: “a alert about all four of us will be out in the next 48 hours. we have to be careful”.

maddie: “johnny's right”.

johnny: “let's get moving. it's only nine pm. we should walk until one am then sleep till eight am”.

maddie: “let's go”.

mackenzie: “don't forget to put your phone on airplane mode guys”.

all four of us started walking and turned our phones on airplane mode. we reached a sign that directs traffic to the thruway.

mackenzie: “let's go into the woods guys. the thruway is right there”.

we walked through the field of grass and entered the woods. we turned the flashlights on from our phones. we walked for what felt like forever. trying not to lose sight of the thruway.

lauren: “maddie my feet hurt”.

maddie: “i know lauren, I know”.

johnny: “can we find somewhere to stay the night?

mackenzie: “but that increases the chance of us getting caught”.

maddie: “kenzie's right. we can't do that”.

lauren: “we should spend the night over there”.

lauren pointed to a huge tree. if it rains we would be protected from it. we walked to the tree and started clearing out the area under it. we moved sticks and rocks and made a campfire. johnny took his lighter out from his bag set a few leaves on fire and threw them in. the campfire started to light up quickly. maddie was sitting next to Lauren. I sat down next to johnny and layed my head on his right shoulder. we all started to fall asleep. I was the last one to fall asleep out of all four of us.


hayden dragged me to a party. there was drunk teenagers all over the place. making out, drinking, dancing, or having sex in one of the bedrooms upstairs. I wasn't in the mood to party. hayden on the other hand wanted to have some fun. he got very drunk. there was a game of truth or dare upstairs. we played with about eight other people. after the game was done I attempted to walk out of the room but he closed the door and wouldn't move out of the way.

hayden: “let's finish what we started earlier baby”.

mackenzie: “hayden please let me leave”.

he pushed me out against the wall and started to kiss down my neck to my collar bones. i pushed him off of me and he stumbled back a few feet.

hayden: “you'll regret that”.

he pinned me back against the wall. I fought to get out of his grip. he ripped my shirt open and started to take off my bra while he sucked hickeys all over my neck.

i screamed.


I woke up with tears streaming down my face. maddie, Lauren, and johnny were all staring at me with worried looks. my breathing was fast.

johnny: “kenz it's okay. it was just a nightmare it's not real”.

I sat up and moved closer to johnny. he was sitting up. i rested my head onto his chest and wrapped my legs around him. he wrapped on of his arms around my waist and used his other hand to lightly stroke my hair. I sobbed into his shirt.

maddie and lauren fell back asleep.

mackenzie: “j go back to sleep”.

johnny: “i don't want too”.

mackenzie: “you need to sleep”.

johnny: “not really. I don't want you to be alone right now”.

mackenzie: “I'm fine I promise”.

johnny: shh. try to go back to sleep”.

he kissed the top of my head and my body loosened up. my eyes started to get heavy. I closed them and drifted back to sleep.


{667 words}

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