chapter twenty four

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mackenzie's pov:

I opened my eyes. I looked around at my surroundings. I'm in my bed room. the thoughts of last night sink in. I rubbed my head in pain. my whole body hurts. after I got jumped last night I walked home and cried myself to sleep. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. it's almost 11:30. greg is going to kill me!

he told me that if I don't finish my chores by the time he gets home from work I'm going to be in big trouble. I jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I can't even recognize myself in the mirror. my face was a beat up and my hair was a mess. I grabbed a scrunchie and put my hair up in a messy bun and put makeup to cover up my face from everything.

I ran back into my room and changed into another pair of sweatpants and put on a random t-shirt. I ran downstairs and into the kitchen. I got the vaccum out of the closet and plugged it into a outlet near me. I turned it on and vaccumed the living room. I put the vaccum away and walked back into the kitchen. I opened the dishwasher and put the dishes away.

I put the dirty dishes from the sink into the dishwasher and turned it on. for the next hour I was running around like a manic trying to finish all of my chores. my last chore to do was to mop the kitchen floor. I was almost done, I had one more spot to do. greg walked into the kitchen.

greg: "I told you brat to do all of your chores".

he snapped at me. I slighty panicked.

mackenzie: "I-I'm sorry, I woke up late this morning".

greg: "I don't fucking care. you didn't do what you were told to do".

he walked closer to me and grabbed my hair. he punched me in the stomach with his other hand. I gasped for air.

greg: "maybe that will teach you a lesson bitch. when I get home tonight, this house better be spotless".

he walked away and slammed the front door causing me to jump. where is my mom when I need her the most?

i picked up the mop and finished mopping the floor. I walked up to my room and grabbed my phone. I edited a photo and posted it.


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@kenzie: I know it hurts sometimes, but you'll get over it 💜😕

-load comments-

@nadiaturner- you should have let a car hit you while you were in the street you bitch.

@chubbybitchh- I agree ^

@kyshoeee- why won't you just kill yourself already

-50+ more comments-

I scrolled through the comments. I was confused. everyone was saying the same thing, that I'm fat and I should kill myself. I got off of my bed and walked into my bathroom. searching for something sharp.


{500 words}

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