chapter sixteen

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mackenzie's pov:

we walked for three more hours. there wasn't a lot of cars on the thruway that was not very far from us. we found a place to sleep for the night. I fell asleep with my head on johnny's chest.

\5:58 am\

i woke up from johnny, lauren, and Maddie shaking me awake.

maddie: “kenz get up! we have to go”.

I grabbed my bag and started to sprit with them. maddie stopped running infront of me.

johnny: “they're way to close to us”.

I tried to catch my breath.

maddie: “kenz, promise me that you will keep running with lauren without looking back”.

mackenzie: “what? maddie I'm not leaving you. I just got you back”.

maddie: “i know but I can hold them off to give you and lauren time to run”.

I hugged maddie. I accidentally let a tear run down my face.

mackenzie: “i love you mads”.

I whispered into her ear.

maddie: “i love you too kenz”.

mackenzie: “j?”.

johnny: “kenz? laur? I'm sorry I'm helping maddie”.

lauren hugged johnny. after they hugged I wrapped my arms around his neck. he wrapped his arms around my waist. I accidentally sobbed into his hoodie.

johnny: “shh, it will be okay”.

he kissed the top of my head.

johnny: “here, take my hoodie”.

he quickly took it off any handed it to me.

lauren: “kenz we can't take our bags”.

mackenzie: “leave them. I'm only taking my phone and maddie's card”.

I put johnny's hoodie on over my t-shirt.

maddie: “go! don't look back”.

mackenzie: “i love you both”.

I looked at Maddie and Johnny one more time before sprinting for my life through the woods with lauren.

in the distance we heard police dogs barking. there was a scream. it was a male scream. I stopped running. lauren turned around and looked at me.

lauren: “kenz?”

I looked at her. my breathing started to increase rapidly. she pulled me into a hug. she stroked my hair.

lauren: “it wasn't him kenz. I know it wasn't”.

I pulled out of the hug and made eye contact with lauren.

mackenzie: “let's go. we don't want them to catch up”.

we started running through the woods once again. without looking back behind us. not even once.

character introduction:

brooke hyland- 21

brooke hyland- 21

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kendall vertes- 18

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paige hyland- 19

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{405 words}

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I previously had started school and I've had a ton of homework to do. I haven't had the time to write but I'm trying to do the best I can.

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