chapter twenty two

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mackenzie's pov:

it's been a month. the bullying hasn't stopped. it's on been verbal but I'm questioning my self worth. I've become distant with everyone including maddie. she hasn't Facetimed me in two weeks or even called me once. the orlando's have been busy alot lately and I haven't seen them outside of school.

it's Friday night and I've made plans to go to a party with Lauren. I don't want to go because half of the school is going to be there. Lauren begged me to go, I don't know why she did. I should probably start getting ready. I stood up off my bed and walked over to my closet. for ten minutes I roughly looked through my closed for the perfect outfit to wear. I picked out blue jeans that have rips at the knees and a black colored off the shoulder crop top.

 I picked out blue jeans that have rips at the knees and a black colored off the shoulder crop top

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I walk into my bathroom and slide off the sweatpants and sweatshirt I was wearing. I changed my undergarments and put the jeans and shirt on. I set the clothes in my laundry basket and grabbed my hairbrush. I took my hair out of the high ponytail it was in and let my hair fall down. I brushed my hair and left it down. I  walked back into my room and put my checkered low top Van's. I checked my phone to see if lauren texted me.

I walked out of my room and closed the door behind me. Greg stopped what he was doing and looked at me.

greg: "where do you think 
you're going dressed like that?"

he asked me curiously.

mackenzie: "none of your business where the fuck I'm going".

i said with attitude and crossed my arms.

greg: "I asked you, where are you going".

he spat. I rolled my eyes.

mackenzie: "and I told you, none of your fucking business!"

I raised my voice slightly.

he walked closer to me.

greg: "if I have to ask you one more  time".

he mumbled. I uncrossed my arms and stood up straighter.

mackenzie: "i don't have to tell you".

his expression turned quickly. his face got red. he was definitely mad now. he stepped closer to me. very close.

greg: "I asked you a question young lady. answer my god damn question!".

he yelled into my face. I jumped back a few inches. I looked down at the floor, trying not to make eye contact with him.

he raised his arm up from his side and struck the side of my face. I continued to look at the floor.

greg: "next time answer me you worthless piece of shit".

he spat into my face. he walked away and went back into his office. I walked downstairs and peeked out the window next to the front door. Johnny's range rover was parked outside. I opened the front door and closed it behind me. i walked down the side walk to the edge of the road. I opened the car door and sat down. I closed the door behind me and buckled my seatbelt.

johnny: "hi mack z".

I slightly chuckled at the nickname he still has for me.

mackenzie: "hi johnny o sings".

and just like that. we were off to the party.


{543 words}

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