chapter twenty nine

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mackenzies pov:

I knocked on the front door. meredith opened the door with a smile plastered on her face.

meredith: "come on in".

she said excitedly.

I took my shoes off by the front door and my mom handed me the pie she was carrying in her hands.

meredith: "kenzie you can put the pie on the dining room table and go find laur and john".

mackenzie: "alright, thank you".

I thanked her politely.

meredith: "no problem dear".

I walked into the dining room and set the pie on the table. I walked up the stairs to laurens room and knocked on the door.

lauren: "come in".

I opened the door and saw lily, maisy, and nadia sitting on the floor in a circle playing a board game with lauren.

I watched maisy roll her eyes when she saw me.

lily: "lauren why is this fat bitch here?"

lauren: "excuse me for a minute guys".

lauren walked out into the hallway and closed the door behing her.

lauren: "yes?"

she asked with some attitude.

mackenzie: "since when were you friends with them?"

I asked her curiously.

lauren: "that's none of your fucking business mackenzie".

I rolled my eyes.

mackenzie: "whatever lauren".

lauren: "not everything is about you kenzie, you're so fucking selfish and you only care about yourself".

she opened the door slightly and took a step back.

mackenzie: "I am not selfish lauren orlando".

her expression changed quickly.


she screamed loudly.

I watched lily, maisy, and nadia turn their heads towards the door.

nadia: "get out of here you fat bitch!"

nadia yelled from laurens bedroom.

Lauren slammed the door in my face. I took a deep breath and walked down the hallway to johnnys room. I knocked on the door quietly, waiting for a response.

johnny: "come in".

I heard him say quietly.

I opened the door slightly and slipped inside, closing the door behind me. he was laying down on his bed watching something on his phone.

johnny: "what do you want?"

he said with some attitude.

mackenzie: "I wanted to come talk you..."

I whispered.

johnny: "there's nothing to talk about".

mackenzie: "johnny please".

I begged him.

johnny: "fine".

he paused what he was watching and set his phone down on his bed. he sat up and adjusted his shirt. I walked over to the end of his bed and sat down. I turned my body towards his and waited for him to say something.

johnny: "what's been going on with you lately?"

he asked me with no expression on his face. I took a deep breath.

mackenzie: "alot of stuff has been going on actually. greg is being physically and mentally abusive. Nadia, lily, and maisy have been both cyber bullying and bullying me. I don't want to live anymore johnny".

a tear slid down my face.

johnny wipped the tear with his thumb.

johnny: "mackenzie don't sa-".

johnny was interupted by nadia opening his bedroom door.

nadia: "ew. why is that whore in here johnny?".

she said crossing her arms.


{518 words}

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