chapter eight

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lauren's pov:

/7:21 am/

johnny called me late last night and said something about mackenzie. I got dressed for the day. I put sweatpants and a hoodie on and walked downstairs into the kitchen.

meredith: “good morning lauren”.

lauren: “good morning mom”.

meredith: “how did you sleep last night?”.

lauren: “not very well...I couldn't stop thinking if something was wrong with mackenzie”.

meredith: “did Johnny say what it was?”.

lauren: “no, he just said it was mackenzie”.

meredith: “do you want to go to the hospital now?”

lauren: “yeah. can we stop by starbucks on they way?”.

meredith: “sure. we have to get mackenzie and johnny something also. just in case she is awake”.

lauren: “that's fine”.

I grabbed my phone from the kitchen table where I put it when I came downstairs. I walked over to the front door and slid my white vans on my feet. I opened the door and walked down the driveway to my mom's car. I opened the car door and hopped into the passenger seat. I buckled my seatbelt and waited for my mom to get in the car.

I unlocked my phone and opened the app instagram. I went to my following list and typed the user '@kenzie' and clicked on mackenzie's account. I looked at the last thing that she has posted on her account from three weeks ago.


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@kenzie: late night swim with these dumb idiots @'laurenorlado & @'johnnyorlando


user897- I'm glad you got into a car accident I hope you die.

chubbybitch- hopefully you stay in a coma hoe.

500+ more comments.

I backed out of the app and set my phone down in my lap. I looked out the window at the environment around me. the large oak trees, the fresh cut grass, the flowers my mom planted in the garden, and butterflies flying towards the flowers from the garden. my mom got in the car and started the engine. soon enough we were almost to starbucks then the hospital.

\9:30 am\

we arrived at the hospital after we went and got breakfast. we walked inside and made our way to the fourth floor. we walked down the hallway from the elevator to mackenzie's room.

meredith: “can you wait out here for a few minutes? just in case it's something bad?”.

lauren: “that's fine”.

I leaned up the hospital hallway wall while my mom went into the room.

melissa's pov:

johnny called me last night and told me that mackenzie has woken up from her coma. it was late last night when he called so I decided to wait to the morning to go to the hospital. I'm currently in mackenzie's hospital room watching her sleep with johnny laying next to her on the bed. the door opened quickly and quietly and meredith walks in. she sat in the chair next to me and looked at kenzie and john.

meredith: “they are so cute”.

melissa: “they are”.

meredith: “i ship jenzie really bad”.

melissa: “so do I. where's lauren?”.

meredith: “i made her wait out in the hallway. here I got johnny and mackenzie breakfast”.

melissa: “that's so sweet mer, thank you”.

meredith: “i forgot something in my car can you wake them both up so when Lauren comes in here and mackenzie is up?”

melissa: “sure”.

meredith got up and walked out of the room. i got up out of my chair and walked over to the bed I gently shook johnny awake.

melissa: “good morning johnny. can you wake her up please?”.

he nodded his head and looked at mackenzie.

johnny: “kenz, it's time to get up”.

her eyes fluttered open and she let out a big yawn.

melissa: “mer and laur are here and are waiting for you guys to wake up. so get ready quickly”.

Johnny got out of the bed and grabbed his bag. he went into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. I gave kenzie a hairbrush so she could brush her hair. when she was done Johnny walked out of the bathroom with a new outfit on.

I sat down in a chair and there was a knock on the door.


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