chapter twenty eight

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mackenzies pov:



this chapter includes self harm. if you are sensitive to the topic skip to the end of the chapter.


I found a blade under the sink in the cabinet. I grabbed it and rolled up my sleve on my left arm up to my elbow. I brought the sharp object to my skin. I counted. one, two, three, four, five. I watched the blood drip onto the bathroom floor. johnny bursted into the bathroom. he looked at me shocked.

johnny: "kenz it's me, please put the blade down".

I watched him take a step towards me.

mackenzie: "no! take one more step and I'll slit my wrist".

I spat. I accidently let a tear slide down my face.

johnny: "mack please don't be like this".

He lost eye contact with me by looking at the blood on the floor.

mackenzie: "johnny y-you have to go home".

my voice cracked and I closed my eyes.

johnny: "I can't leave you by yourself if you're doing stuff like this".

I heard how shakey his voice was getting.

mackenzie: "you have to go..."

I quietly said.

johnny: "mack i-".

mackenzie: "JUST GO".

I interupted him. I shocked myself. I never raised my voice at johnny before.

I watched a tear fall down his face. He turned around and left. I waited to hear the front door close and his car pull out of the driveway then I let myelf break down. I looked at the blade that I was still holding in my hand. six, seven, eight, nine, ten. I put the blade back to where I found it and cleaned up the blood of the floor. I sat on the bathroom floor and pulled my knees to my chest. I put my head down and stayed there till my mother got home from work.

|4:38 pm|

I heard a car pull into the driveway. I stood up from the floor and walked into my room and chamged my clothes. I put another pair of sweatpants on and threw on a black tink top. I opened snapchat and took a picture. 

I posted it to my private story and put my phone down on my bed

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I posted it to my private story and put my phone down on my bed. I heard the front door open and close after a few seconds.

melissa: "mackenzie!"

my mother shouted throughout the house.

mackenzie: "yes mother?"

I yelled back so she could hear me.

melissa: "we're going to the Orlandos for dinner tonight. be ready in thirty minutes".

I groaned and rolled my eyes.

mackenzie: "okay".

I sat up from my bed and put my hair up into a bun. I unplugged my phone from its charger and put a pair of black socks on my feet. I put on a old pair of nike sneakers and walked out of my room. I walked downstairs and found my mother in the kitchen. I sat on a stool at the kitchen island and watched her take a fresh baked pie out of the oven.

mackenzie: "so why are we going to the orlandos for dinner?"

I politely asked her.

melissa: "I have to catch up with meredith on a few things and you can spend time with your best friends".

I slightly turned myself away from her.

mackenzie: "yeah... my best friends".

I mumbled under my breath.

I grabbed the car keys and walked outside to my mothers car in the driveway. I unlocked the car and got into the passenger seat.


{555 words}

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