chapter twelve

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mackenzie's pov:

maddie: “because I'm back”.

I watched mommy Mel look up from her phone and at maddie.

melissa: “it's nice to see you maddie. greg and I were just about to get to new york city to see you”.

maddie: “you should still go jill and kelly are already there”.

melissa: “alright”.

mom walked away into the kitchen. maddie started to walk down the stairs.

maddie: “you coming kenz?”

mackenzie: “yeah”.

maddie and I walked down the remaining stairs into the kitchen. greg and mom sat next to each other and I sat next to maddie across from them. for the whole dinner we all caught up with maddie on everything.

after everyone was done eating I helped maddie put the dishes into the dishwasher. I walked upstairs to my room and sat on my bed maliboo came running into my room. she jumped onto my with a toy in her mouth.

mackenzie: “maliboo, not on my bed please. I don't want slobber all over it”.

she looked at me and went back to playing with her toy. I sighed. I got up from my bed and opened the door. I heard my mom, maddie, and greg downstairs. I closed the door behind me so maliboo can't get out and make any noise.

I quietly walked over to the staircase and tried the best that I could to listen to their conversation.

maddie: “mom you can't do that!”

melissa: “why not madison?”

maddie: “it's not fair to me or kenzie”.

melissa: “it's completely fair”.

maddie: “are you fucking blind!? don't you see how much happier kenzie and I are since I came back. you forced me to leave. not anybody else but YOU”.

melissa: “maddie I don't care! it's my decision to make!”

maddie: “no it's not! I'm a adult mom! I'm 18”.

melissa: “i don't care”.

maddie: “i know you don't care! you also don't care about how she hasn't seen me for eight freaking years. she didn't have a older sister for those eight years. I missed out on her growing up mom! but no. you don't fucking care”.

I heard footsteps coming towards the stairs. I ran back into my room and closed the door. someone came upstairs and walked down the hall and slammed a door.

melissa: “madison get back down here right now!”

I opened the door and peeked out down the hallway. no one was in sight. I walked down the stairs and into the living room where my mom and greg were sitting on the couch.

mackenzie: “you're making maddie leave aren't you?”

greg looked at me and then my mom.

melissa: “it's for the best”.

mackenzie: “you think it's for the best mother?! for eight years I thought that she was dead. for eight years I was by myself and missed out on experiencing a lot of things because you made her leave! you don't even care do you?”

she stayed completely silent. she looked like she wanted to say something but she didn't.

mackenzie: “just keep ignoring me mother”.

she stood up.

melissa: “you don't no a single thing so hush your mouth mackenzie!”

mackenzie: “no I will not mother”.

maddie ran down the stairs and stood behind me. I intertwined my fingers with hers.

my mom looked down at Greg who was still sitting on the couch. she nodded at him and he stood up quickly. he walked over to where maddie and I were standing with our hands still together. he pulled my hand away from Maddie's and started pushing me away from her.


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