chapter thirty one

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this chapter includes suicide. if you get triggered easily, read until the memory is over and skip to the very end that is in bold.


mackenzies pov:

after what happened yesterday at johnny and lauren's house, i dreaded going to school today. i was scared out of my mind to go. my mom forced me to go, after i made it very obvious i didn't want to go.

unfortunately for me, i went to school. my day was absolutely horrific. the second i got to my locker, lily and her friends found me. they all ganged up on me. throwing numerous punches, kicks, and yanking my hair.

in class they wrote stuff about me down on papers and passed it around to the rest of the class. during switching classes everyone in the hallways would look and me and whisper harsh things about me.

but worst of all, they kept physically hurt me all day when they had the opportunity too. every since i got home from school my phone has been blowing up with cruel, hurtful messages. like usual. this time it was way worse.

i haven't heard from johnny since yesterday. everytime i tried to talk to him at school, he would completely ignore me and my presence. 

even lauren chimed in with her friends. i didn't expect her to do that. she even told me to kill myself all day at school and she's been blowing up my phone with messages like that.

i hopped off my bed and walking into my bathroom.

my eyes were red and puffy. my face was stained with tears. my hair was up in a messy bun that was falling apart.

i walked back into my room and picked my phone up from my bed. i unlocked it and opened instagram. i selected a picture that i took over a week ago and posted it.

 i selected a picture that i took over a week ago and posted it

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@kenzie: when you gave up on me, i gave up on me too 🥀

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i set my phone down on my bed and turned it over. i laid back and looked at the ceiling, letting my brain wonder.

mackenzie: "maddie?"

i chuckled.

maddie: "yeah, kenz?"

she smiled.

mackenzie: "what happens when we die?"

i asked out of curiosity.

maddie: "when you die, you will meet peter pan. he will take you to neverland and you will meet a bunch of other people".

she looked at me.

mackenzie: "that doesn't sound scary".

i giggled.

maddie: "it won't be, i promise".

she smiled and pulled me into a hug.

i snapped out of my thoughts. maddie and i used to talk about peter pan and neverland all the time as kids.

i walked over to my desk and pulled out a pre-written letter i wrote a few days ago. i set in on my bed next to my phone and walked over to my closet. i took a belt off of the shelf and tied it into a noose. i slung it over a hook that was hanging off the wall, inside the closet.

i stepped onto the stool and put my head through the noose. there's no turning back now. i kicked the stool over. immediately i started to struggle breathing. after about a minute or two my vision started to get blurry, i wasn't breathing.

i will finally meet peter pan and be on my way to neverland, i thought. before total darkness took over.


{547 words}

i'm apologize if i triggered anyone.

the epilogue will be out shortly.

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