chapter thirteen

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mackenzie's pov:

my mom looked down at Greg who was still sitting on the couch. she nodded at him and he stood up quickly. he walked over to where maddie and I were standing with our hands still together. he pulled my hand away from Maddie's and started pushing me away from her.

I pushed him back and he picked me up. I couldn't touch the floor. I kicked and kicked. he wouldn't put my down. I bit his arm and he let me go. I turned around and ran to maddie. my mom stood in front of her. I ducked under her arm and ran to maddie. I grabbed her hand and pulled her upstairs.

mackenzie: “maddie call johnny now!”

she took my phone and unlocked it. i took a backpack and ran into her room. I grabbed a few outfits and ran back into my room. I grabbed a few outfits out of my closest and put shoes on. I let maddie borrow a pair of my shoes. finally johnny answered.

mackenzie: “john something happened can I come over?”

johnny: “of course”.

mackenzie: “thank you I'll be over in a few”.

I hung up.

maddie: “kenz we gotta go now!”

mackenzie: “they are probably blocking the doors downstairs so my window is the best chance out”.

maddie swung the backpack over her shoulders and grabbed her phone off of my bed.

I walked over to my window, unlocked it, and opened it. there was a knock on my bedroom door.

melissa: “mackenzie open the door”.

I climbed out the window and onto the roof. maddie climbed out behind me and closed the window. we climbed down the tree in the side yard. I opened the gate and started running down the street with maddie. we ran out of the neighborhood and into johnny's.

maddie knocked at the door and I waited inpaitently. he opened the door.

johnny: “hey kenz, wait... maddie?”

mackenzie: “there's no time to explain. where's lauren?”

we walked inside his house and he closed the door behind him.

johnny: “she's upstairs in her room”.

I ran up to Lauren's room and barged in. she looked up from her phone.

lauren: “kenz what's wrong?”

mackenzie: “no time to explain. get a bag and pack clothes and food”.

she didn't ask anymore questions and started packing. I ran back downstairs to where Johnny and Maddie were standing by the front door.

mackenzie: “john, go pack clothes and food”.

johnny: “can someone tell me what's going on?”

maddie: “long story short my parents are trying to force me to leave and things got physical with our parents. they are going to look for us so we're running away and figured you and lauren would tag along”.

johnny: “alright. thanks for explaining. I'll go pack”.

I stood there next to maddie.

mackenzie: “maddie where are we going to go?”

maddie: “my apartment in manhatten with brooke, kendall, paige, and nia”.

mackenzie: “doesn't mom know where that is?”

maddie: “i never told her. no one did”.

mackenzie: “how long will the walk be?”

maddie: “it's going to take a week to walk there”.

mackenzie: “that's a long walk”.

maddie: “it is and we need to hurry. mom and greg are going to be looking for us soon”.

mackenzie: “i know”.

I walked into the orlando's kitchen and started to put snacks in me and maddie's backpack while she tells lauren and johnny to hurry up. they both came running downstairs into the kitchen stuffing food into their bags.

we all walked to the front door. Lauren opened it and closed it behind us. we started running down the street and we didn't look back.


{615 words}

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