chapter twenty five

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mackenzie's pov:

\1:54 am\

greg came home about an hour ago. he was at a bar all night and came home very drunk. I cleaned the entire house and I didn't get the chance to eat anything all day because I didn't want greg to hurt me again. I cleaned all day for nothing. he hit me a few times before slamming his bedroom door in my face. I'm currently sitting against my bedroom door with me knees to my chest crying my eyes out.

I walked into my bathroom and turned on the light. I looked at myself in the mirror and asked myself, where did everything go wrong? I crawled into bed and closed my eyes, trying to forget all of my problems that I have to face at school in the morning.

\6:35 am\

I open my eyes to see my mother sitting at the edge of my bed looking at me with pain in her eyes.

melissa: "hey kenz, how are you feeling?"

she asked me and put her hand on my head.

mackenzie: "I'm exhausted and I need some advil".

I whispered softly.

melissa: "you can stay home today from school if you want".

I turned my head and made eye contact with her.

mackenzie: "I would love to take the offer but I don't want to be home all day with a asshole".

I sat up and pulled my hair into a low ponytail.

melissa: "you don't have to worry about him. he's not going to be home for three days".

I quickly turned my head.

mackenzie: "wait really?!"

I asked her shockley.

melissa: "he's away for work".

she nodded her head.

mackenzie: "thank god".

melissa: "take the day off if you want too".

mackenzie: "thank you for letting me stay home mom".

melissa: "your welcome, get some rest. I'll leave advil on your dresser before I leave for work".

she kissed my forehead and walked out of my room closing the door behind her.

I pulled the covers over my body and looked around my room. I should clean up my room, it's a little messy. I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing. I soon fell asleep with nothing on my mind. I woke up and stretched my arms and legs. I pulled the covers off of my body and got out of bed. I walked over to the dresser and took the advil and drank some water. I unplugged my phone from the charger and cleared all of my notifications. I opened snapchat and took a mirror selfie and posted it on my public story.

I closed the app and set my phone down ignoring all of the notifications that it's recieving

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I closed the app and set my phone down ignoring all of the notifications that it's recieving.

{455 words}

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