chapter seven

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johnny's pov:

johnny: “come in!”.

I turned around and watched the door slowly open. once melissa saw mackenzie she stood frozen for a few seconds. mackenzie looked up from my phone and made eye contact with melissa. she dropped her purse on the floor and ran to the right side of the bed. she immediately hugged mackenzie.

melissa: “oh my God, I can't believe you're awake”.

I walked back into the room from the bathroom connected to it. I noticed that melissa had a few tears streaming down her face.

mackenzie: “mom it's okay. I'm fine”.

melissa: “are you hungry? I can go get you some food”.

mackenzie: “yeah, that sounds great”.

melissa: “I'll be back soon”.

melissa kissed mackenzie's forehead, grabbed her purse off of the floor, and walked out of the room.

mackenzie: “hey, j?”.

johnny: “yeah kenz?”.

mackenzie: “do you know where my phone is?”.

johnny: “your phone screen was cracked so I got you this”.

I walked over to my backpack and grabbed a small white box out of it. I walked back over to the bed and handed it to mackenzie. she was shocked.

mackenzie: “johnny... I can't have this. it must have been extremely expensive”.

johnny: “kenz, it's okay. it's the least I could do”.

mackenzie: “i can't take this. it's a iPhone Xr. it's really expensive I can't”.

johnny: “yes you can. your mom was okay with it. you deserve it kenz”.

mackenzie: “ugh, fine”.

I watched mackenzie set the box down on the bed side table next to the bed. I pulled a chair over to the bed and sat down in it.

mackenzie: “I'm bored”.

johnny: “same. there's not much that you can do in a hospital room”.

mackenzie: “i wonder when I'll be able to go home. hopefully very soon”.

johnny: “maybe”.

I layed back in the chair and stared at mackenzie. god she looked so fucking beautiful. even in this state. if you can't already tell I have a crush on mackenzie for awhile now.

melissa walked back into the room with McDonald's and Starbucks for both mackenzie and I. she handed me the bag and I grabbed my chicken nuggets and french fries out. I handed the bag to mackenzie and she took her food out.

melissa: “hey johnny? can I talk to mackenzie alone for a minute?”

i gently nodded my head and walked out of the room closing the door behind me.

melissa: “hey kenzie, Greg and I are going to new york City for a few weeks. we're leaving in a few days. you can have friends over while we are gone so you won't be alone”.

mackenzie: “that's fine I guess. thank you for letting me have people over so I won't be alone”.

melissa: “no problem sweetie. get some rest. you have a good possibility of being released tomorrow”.

mackenzie: “i will. goodnight mom”.

mackenzie's pov:

my mom kissed my forehead and walked out of the room. johnny walked back in and sat back down where he was sitting.

mackenzie: “you look tired”.

I giggled and he gave me a stern look.

mackenzie: “jeez, what is up your ass?”.

he jumped out of his chair and started to tickle me.

mackenzie: “john s-stop”.

johnny: “what's the magic word?”

mackenzie: “can you please stop?”

johnny: “of course I will”.

he sat back down and closed his eyes. he looked so cute.

mackenzie: “uhh, I don't think so”.

his eyes fluttered open and gave me a confused look. I carefully stood up and grabbed his hand. I pulled him onto the bed and pulled the covers over us. he gave me a weird look.

mackenzie: “I'm not letting you sleep on that chair”.

johnny: “why not Kenz?”.

mackenzie: “chairs are uncomfortable to sleep on stupid”

johnny: “they're more comfy than you think”.

mackenzie: “whatever johnny. goodnight”.

johnny: “goodnight kenz”.


{646 words}

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