1- just playin'

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Izuku POV

Just a few more minutes left of class. I better start to pack up my stuff so I'm not late. If I'm late then... I don't want to think about what will happen if I'm late. But it's so hard for me to just not think about it. It's always hard for me to take my mind off of certain subjects. A lot of people describe me as a thoughtful person. Once I get into a thought I can't get out so all I can do is think it out. I've found some techniques to help me calm down over the years.

Step 1: Breathe. I take a long, deep breathe in through my nose and release my breath slowly. I repeat this a few times.

Step 2: Count. I usually count up to 10 and then back down to 0 and repeat counting until I feel more calm. 1... 2... 3... 4....... 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... RING!!!!!!!!!!

Oh no. I'm late. No, I'll still have a bit of time if I hurry. I scramble to pack up all of my supplies as quickly as I can. I can't be late, I can't be late, I can't be late. I look around and see that the classroom is much more empty. The only people that have yet to go off to lunch are Sero, Ojiro, and Asui. And of course... him. I'm gonna be late. I'm about to get up when a hand slams down on my desk. I'm late.

"OI DEKU. What are you still doing in the classroom, shitty nerd"

"I'm sorry Kacchan I was about to leave"

I get up and start to walk towards the door when I'm pulled back by a strong grip on my arm.

"ARE YOU IGNORING ME??? Forget the classroom, you shouldn't even be in this school. You don't belong here nerd. I don't even know how you got in"

I stand there unaware of what to do. I don't have a clue how to reply to what was just said but I can't leave because he's holding on to my arm. While I'm deep in thought I get thrown back to the wall. Ouch.

"Don't ignore me deku"

I could see the rage in Kacchans eyes while sparks of explosions were coming from his palms. Gulp.

"SHITTY DEKU!" Kacchan shouted right before he slapped me across my face.

"Why does someone so pathetic and quirkless such as yourself even exist? Why don't you go take a swan dive of the roof?"

Kacchan forms a fist with his hand and brings it up by his head. "Your your gonna regret ignoring me deku"

I closed my eyes and tried to prepare for the pain that was about to come.

"Yo Bakubro, you joining us for lu- what are you doing with Midoriya?" Said a familiar voice.

I opened my eyes. Kirishima! He must have been waiting for Kacchan to join him for lunch. And right behind him is Kaminari.

Heh. I wonder what it's like. Having friends that care about you so much that they'll come looking for you. Even if you're only a few minutes late to lunch and you're obviously capable enough for protect yourself. Heh. It must be nice.

"Oh, I was just playin'. You don't have to worry."

Kacchan releases his grip on me and I watch as he joins his friends and walks out of the classroom. I stand there for a moment to catch my breathe. Lunch is almost halfway over, I better hurry.

I get to the lunchroom and take a seat next to Ururaka at a table with her, Iida, and Todoroki.

Ururaka looked at me with a slightly worried expression. "Where have you been Izuku?"

"Oh, I was just at the nurse. I got a headache"

"Oh. Well I hope you feel better"

She smiled and continued her conversation with the others.

I looked down at my tray of food. I wasn't really hungry. I rubbed my cheek where I've been slapped. It really hurt and I was worried that Kacchan left a mark. I told the others I was heading to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and sure enough, my cheek looked all red. I felt my eyes tear up so I splashed my face with some cold water. I dried of my face with a paper towel and took a look at myself in the mirror. And this is what I saw:

A pathetic, quirkless, disappointment.

That's when I made up my mind.

I ran out of the bathroom and continued to run around the school until I found what I was looking for. Eventually I was able to finally find it. It was a narrow staircase that looked like it went up pretty high.

I started to run up the stairs as fast as I could with tears filling my eyes and making the whole world look blurry. Once I reached the top I tried to open the door but it was stuck. I used all of my might but the door wouldn't open.

Quirkless, useless, pathetic, weak, disappointment......
This just proves all of that.

I was finally able to get the door open and once again, my feet started moving without even using my head.

I came to a stop.

I stood there.

On the ledge of a building.

I tried to process all of the choices I've been making.

Where did it all go wrong.

I thought about my mom.

I thought about how she was always there for me when I needed her. How she always comforted me. How she always did so much to make me happy.

I'm sorry mom, but that just wasn't enough. It's not your fault. There are so many people in this world. You can't keep everyone from ever hurting me. Nobody can do that. But your the only one who tried to do that.

Tears flooded my eyes until I could no longer see. It didn't matter though. It's not like I'll need to see for much longer.

Mom, I love you

And with that, I jumped.

I jumped away from the chance to continue disappointing everyone.

I was prepared for the pain. I just wanted to get this over with.

I continued to fall down, and down, and down



That didn't hurt as much as it was supposed to.

I lifted up my eyes.

I saw feet. A few pairs of feet. I scrambled to sit up and what I saw... I just didn't understand.

"Are you okay?"

"We were so worried"

"Let's make sure he can stand up okay"

I felt arms around me helping me up. I had so many questions. But one felt more important than all the rest.

"Who are you guys?"

Word count: 1137

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