11- the carnival pt. 2

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Izuku POV (there is a POV change later in this chapter)

The first ride we went on was the bumper cars. Then the scrambler, a few other random rides the author is too lazy to name, and then a roller coaster. It wasn't one of the biggest roller coasters though. I might kinda sorta be slightly afraid of big roller coasters.

"That was pretty fun." Dabi said
"But why don't we go on an even bigger roller coaster next?"

"O-oh well-"

"Yeah!" Toga exclaimed

"I'm down" Yozora said

"Izu?" Dabi asked

How do I answer??? I don't want them to think that I'm a total wimp. Maybe I could just stall them for a while.

"Maybe we should go on that later" I suggested

"I was actually hoping that we could could eat after the next ride. If we eat before the roller coaster then we might get sick" Yozora said

Dabi and Toga both agreed that they liked Yozora's plan.

"Then I guess it's settled!" Toga said.

Her and Yozora began to walk off towards one of the biggest roller coasters in the park. I stayed slightly behind and Dabi walked next to me to ask me something.

"Izuku, you're not scared are you?"

"What! Me, scared? Never."

"I promise we won't judge you if you are"

"Well...maybe the littlest bit. But I'm barely scared at all. I'll be fine. As long as you guys are having fun."

"You're too considerate Izu. If you're not having fun, we're not having fun."

"It's fine! I promise!"

"You better not be lying for our sake. Now, let's go catch up to the girls."

Me and Dabi walked up to where the girls were in line. The wait was actually shorter than I expected and before I knew it, we were getting seated on the cart of the roller coaster (I think that's what it's called). I sat next to Dabi and Yozora and Toga sat next to each other in the seat behind us.

The ride was about to start and Dabi looked over at me.

"You're sure you're not scared?"

"Dabi, stop worrying. I'm completely fine"

"Okay but I can hold your hand if you get scared"

I could tell that he was just joking because we started laughing together after he said that. And then the ride began to move. It was actually pretty fun! At first. The ride began to slow down as we went up the slope. Because it was so slow, I had plenty of time to get nervous. I was basically on the verge of loosing it before.......I felt someone grab my hand.

I looked over at Dabi and he gave me a small warm smile. Even though it was small, it was enough to make my heart beat out of my chest. I looked forward, closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I opened my eyes prepared for what was to come. And then...... we dropped. And it was so much fun!!!!!

When we got off of the ride me and Dabi walked through the exit and waited for the girls to catch up with us. When I saw them walking up to us I noticed that they were smirking at me and Dabi, I was so confused as to why. I looked over at Dabi and saw that he seemed to be very interested in the floor. Then I looked down and saw that........we were still holding hands! I quickly let go and the girls started giggling at us.

"So where was that food stand again?" Dabi asked trying to change the subject.

"I think it's that way" Yozora said pointing to the left of us.

We were all walking towards the food stand when Toga suddenly stopped all of us.

"STOP STOP STOP!!! LOOK!!!" She said pointing towards a ride she saw. I looked closer and tried to read the name of the ride.

"The....love tunnel?" I asked

"Yessss! You can't go to a carnival without going on that!!!"

"But I thought that it's only for couples" I said

I could tell that what I just said got Dabi's and Yozora's attention.

"Couples?" Yozora asked

"It's not just for couples. It's fun no matter who you go on it with! You are supposed to ride it in groups of two so how about I ride with Yozora and then Dabi, you can ride with Izuku?!"

Oh no, here comes that blush again. It seems like there isn't anyway if getting out of this.

"Okay, sure." I reply

Oh god, I really hope that this doesn't get too awkward.

Once we get to the front of the line, the worker shows us where to sit.

"Have fun lovebirds"

Yep, not awkward at all.

Dabi POV

Me and Izuku got seated in a little boat shaped like a swan. Toga and Yozora were in the boat in front of us. I can't believe that Toga suggested this. She obviously only did it to get me and Izuku alone together! And of course it also has to be in such a romantic setting. There's even romantic violin music playing in the background! It's not like I even actually told her that I like him. But whatever I do, she takes it as a sign that I do. It's so annoying!

As the ride started we went into a tunnel that had a big heart around the entrance. The tunnel was dimly lit so I could barely see Izuku's face, but I could see it enough to tell that he felt just as awkward and uncomfortable as me. I couldn't even get myself to face him.

"Izuku, I'm so sorry about Toga. She's just really childish and-"

I was cut off by the sound of Izuku's gasp.

"Dabi look!" He said placing his hand on top of mine to get my attention.

I turned to face him and saw him pointing at the fairy lights all around this part of the tunnel. He looked back at me and I could see his eyes lit up as he was admiring the beautiful scene surrounding us. He seems so fascinated by small things like this. I mean come on, lights? But I have to admit, it is pretty adorable. His smile was so bright and warming that it made me completely relax and feel less tense and awkward on this ride.

We both sat in silence for a bit of time, his hand still on top of mine. It was a very comfortable silence, it was peaceful and soothing. Or maybe it was him being next to me that made me feel that way. I looked down at our hands and decided to turn mine over and intertwined our fingers. He looked over at me surprised and I gave him a warm smile. He blushed and smiled back. Adorable.

I don't know what exactly got into me but at that moment I just had this urge to tell him how I feel.

"Izuku, I.........."
Word count: 1075

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