27- targets

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Izuku POV

I was patiently sitting cris cross on a mat that was on the training room floor while Dabi, who was sitting on a gym bench in front of me, typed away at his keyboard.

"So, what are you doing right now?" I asked him.

"Re-entering you into the list of first year participants" Dabi answered.

"Dabi, you can't do that. First of all, it wouldn't be right to go behind the back of the trusted UA staff and disregard their decisions instead of talking it through with them. Second of all, this is UA we're talking about. Their online security is so advanced that it would be impossible to get into the system and change-"


"Really?! Let me see!"

I ran over right behind where Dabi was seated to take a look at his laptop and sure enough, my name was right there at the very top of the list of first year sports festival participants.

"Whoa, you really did it! You're amazing!" I wrapped my arms around his neck from behind. He put an arm around my waist and pulled me in, seating me right next to him on the bench.

"What was that you said about this being 'wrong'?" He whispered into my ear with a smirk.

"Mmm. Maybe it's okay to have a bit of fun every once in a while. And besides, nothing about this will seem the least bit wrong if I end up winning this thing."

"Heh, I know you will." Dabi lifted my chin with his finger and brought our lips together. This feeling, it was indescribable. He was there for me. I've only ever experienced this sort of thing when him and the other villains were the cause. I'm sure that I once believed that All Might was there for me, that is before he suggested giving away my power to some third year because he finds me incapable of using it myself.

"Well then," Dabi began to say after pulling away, "I guess that it's time to start training harder than ever"

"Yay" I said in an unenthusiastic tone with an eye roll. This week will be torture, won't it?

"C'mon. Let's go!" He grabbed my hand and yanked me off the bench, pulling me towards the center of the training room. He stood there for a minute tapping his chin in deep thought. I could assume that he was figuring out the best way to put me through hell during today's training.


"Zuku!" Toga called while walking past my room at the hideout, "Time for training!"

Great. Another day of torture. I've gone through 4 so far. Just 7 more days to go until the sports festival next Friday. I get that these people love me and all, but I am fully convinced that they are all demons by now. Though I guess I should be thankful because of how important they realize winning the sports festival is to me. They'd do anything to help me reach my goals, wouldn't they?

I was able to drag myself out of bed, which was a pretty astonishing accomplishment considering how sore I was. I changed into a tank top and shorts before going into the training room where Toga, Dabi, Yozora, and Kurogiri were all waiting for me.

"So, what torture will I be going through today?" I asked them all.

"Actually Izuku, I think that you will be happy to hear that today's training will not include as much cardio and strength as the other days." Dabi told me. "Today is Yozora and Kurogiri's turn to supervise your training".

Yozora and Kurogiri? Yes! I'll finally get to move on from these painful physical exercises and have some mental and skillful training.

"What will I be doing today?" I asked with a much more upbeat and excited tone.

"Well, we were hoping to do things that would expand your skill set so that you'll be ready for whatever challenges the sports festival throws your way", Yozora began to explain. "One of the options that we thought could help you out with focus and hand-eye coordination is archery. But then we realized that the movement used for archery doesn't apply for many other types of challenges. So we came up with a solution that will come in handy for a much wider range of things".

"And that solution is?" I asked.

Kurogiri grabbed a bin from a storage closet in the training room and brought it over to the center of the room along with a small rolling table. Then he started taking out the contents of the bin and laying them neatly on the table. I couldn't see exactly what it was that he was putting on the table from where I was standing near the entrance of the room. That is, until he held one up for me to see. My eyes grew wide with shock and nervousness as my eyes trailed along the glare from the polished object. He then answered my question in a confident tone.

"Knife throwing."


"Good! You got it! Keep going!" Yozora shouted as I continued to shoot knives towards rows upon rows of targets from multiple angles. I admired the way that her and Kurogiri chose this instead of plain archery based off of the way that the type of throwing skills used for knife throwing can be useful in many more circumstances than archery. After a few more targets I finished off another row and decided it was time for a break.

"That was amazing Izu!" Toga complimented me while I joined her on the bench and took out my water bottle.

"It wasn't really, but thanks. I hardly ever came close to hitting the center. When I did it seemed to just be because of luck."

"Don't say that Izuku. It was indeed amazing for your first few tries. You did much better than I did when I first started." Yozora assured me while walking over to us.

"Let me guess, you're the best one at throwing knives here?" I asked Yozora.

"Haha, I wish. The best is definitely Dabi", she answered.


"Of course!" Toga replied. "You should really see him in action! He's amazing!"

I looked over to Dabi and saw him setting up equipment on the other side of the room. Damn, his ass looked good in those tight exercise pants. And with him bending over like that, omigoddddddddd he looked hot as heck.

"Ooooo, looks like Izuku is blushing from the thought of his boyfriend being so athletic" Toga teased.

"Y-y-yeah! That's why! Hehehe....." (nervous laughter intensifies) (gay intensifies)

"Aye! Dabi!" Toga shouted.

"Shhhh. What are you doing??!" I whisper-shouted at her.

"Don't worry boo, I got your back." She assured me with a smirk before continuing to call Dabi over.

"Hey. What's up?" He asked after jogging over to us.

"Well......it seems that Izu here," Toga placed an arm around my shoulders forcing me to face Dabi, "would like a bit of help from an expert".


"I'd be happy to help"

And that's how I got myself into that predicament. You know, the one that included Dabi standing behind me, holding me close to his chest, holding my hand in his to show me the perfect way to line up a knife with a target. I could feel him breathing against my neck. How was I supposed to concentrate on decently chucking knives at targets while my boyfriend has his crotch against my ass? It's just not possible.

But hey, at least I'm actually a lot better at knife throwing now. So that's cool.

Word count: 1286

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