35- Valentine's Day pt. 2

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IMPORTANT: Most of this chapter was created around Valentine's Day 2020 BEFORE CORONA!!! This means that it's a lot less normal for Izuku to be sleeping in, staying up late, and not doing much all day than it is for us now. This really sucks because I feel like my writing won't have the same affect as it would of had back in February of last year. Just try to forget about the real world and loose yourself in Izuku's world during this chapter so you can really see how his actions showcase his current emotions.
Sorry about how late this is. I decided to take a very long break from Wattpad to focus on my mental health a bit more. I've been doing nothing but laying in bed while daydreaming about cute [and not so cute ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)] DabiDeku moments. Hopefully coming back to Wattpad will make me feel better because you all are so supportive!
One more thing! It's come to my attention that a few people from the school I went to before graduating might know that this is my account. This has made me really hesitant about updating my stories. I don't want to have to feel uncomfortable on here so I'm just going to come right out and say it. Yes, it's me, Gracie. I even decided to put my name in my account bio. I thought that it would be much better for us to all be closer friends that are open enough to write gay fanfics in front of each rather than for me to have to hide myself. I mean come on, if you got this far that would obviously mean that you have the same interests. Let's bond over that! Although I am sharing my name, I prefer to go by either peach or bunny on this app (you can also spell it as bunni or just bun if you'd like). My pronouns are she/they.

3rd Person POV

Inko walked through the upstairs hallway carrying a basket of fresh laundry to put away. She stopped in front of Izuku's bedroom to peek in and make sure that he's okay. She was concerned to see that he was still asleep at 1 pm. She guessed that he didn't fall asleep until really late last night, but she didn't realize that he ended up falling asleep as late as 4 am, even though he went to bed around 12.

All night after falling asleep Izuku was stuck in an endless cycle of waking up in a cold sweat from nightmares, trembling and crying with his knees pulled to his chest, staring blankly at the wall to calm down his stress, and then finally falling back to sleep just for the cycle to repeat itself. As of right now, Izuku has been asleep for a full hour 2 hours and since there was absolutely nothing that he was interested in doing all day, he didn't plan on waking up anytime soon.

At about 4 o'clock Inko came in to check on Izuku again. He sat up with Yuki cuddled up on the bed with him when he noticed that she entered the room.

"Oh good, you're awake. How long have you been up?" Inko asked.

"I don't know. About an hour?"

"Have you eaten anything yet?"


"So.....you've just been laying in bed for an hour? You weren't on your phone or anything?" Izuku shook his head in response. Inko decided to come and sit down on the side of Izuku's bed. She knew that something was up.

"You were right about what you said last night. About how the rain could be much worse. It started to completely downpour early this morning and it's still raining pretty hard outside. I just hate this gloomy weather. It can really worsen someone's mood, can't it?"

Izuku didn't respond. He knew that he would feel just as trashy no matter how the weather was.

"Why don't you come downstairs and I'll fix you some breakfast?"

"M'kay. I'll be down in a few minutes." Izuku was focused on petting Yuki in his lap. Inko grabbed her from him and held the bunny in her arms.


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