7- I'm battling who?!?!

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Izuku POV

I woke up exhausted and checked the time.


I forgot to set an alarm on my phone last night because I usually use the alarm clock in my dorm room. The LOV hideout is pretty far from school. I'll never make it in time! I jump out of bed and stumble around my room to get to the bathroom. After I finished brushing my teeth, washing my face, and brushing my hair Dabi came in.

"Is something wrong? I heard you stumbling around in here"

"I'm gonna be late!"

"I'll just wake up Kurogiri and tell him to warp you there"

"Really?! Thank you!"

Dabi left and came back with a very sleepy looking Kurogiri.

"Where to?" Kurogiri asked

"My dorm room. I need my uniform from there first. And then somewhere near my classroom because it will take too long to walk to there from my dorm."

Kurogiri opened a portal and we both stepped through it. I raced to get on my uniform and then he opened another portal for me in a little hidden area of the school near my classroom.

"If you need anything else, just text me"

"Thank you!"

I got to my seat about 2 minutes before class was supposed to start.

"You look tired Izuku. Did you get enough sleep?" Ururaka asked

"Oh u-uh I was up late tr-training"

"You shouldn't go to hard on yourself Izuku"

"Thanks for worrying about me. I'll try to get to bed earlier tonight."

Before she could reply, Aizawa Sensei walked into the classroom. He looked as tired as I probably did.

"Good morning class. Today you will be battling with each other one on one." (This is said in a sleepy monotone voice)

Battling one on one! I don't think that I'm ready for this yet!

"You will be battling in this order: Aoyama against Ashido, Asui against Iida, Ururaka against Ojiro, (blah blah blah) and last will be Bakugo against Midoriya."

I HAVE TO BATTLE KACCHAN ON MY OWN?!?!?!?!?! There is no way that I am winning this thing. And I'm not that worried about losing, I'm specifically worried about loosing painfully. Literally. I know that Kacchan doesn't hold back very much.

We all went outside and got warmed up a little. Then the first two people to battle each other went out to the middle of the field while the rest of us sat on the bleachers. 

"The first person to get knocked out of bounds looses. If only the littlest part of them is out of bounds, they still loose."

(It's basically like the sports festival but this takes place before the sports festival)

While I watched the other teams battling each other I tried to think of a good strategy for beating Kacchan. Somehow my thoughts wondered on to Dabi. U-uh Dabi and the rest of the villains. Right! Totally not just Dabi heh heh heh *nervous laughter*.

While I was thinking about the LOV I started to think about all of the stuff that they've said to me. Then I figured out the solution to my problem! They told me that if I ever need help with anything I could just text them! I got out my phone and began to text them in our group chat.

Izuku: Hey! I was wondering if you guys could help me with something

Toga: Of course! Anything for Izu~

Yozora: I'd be happy to help

Dabi: What do you need help with Izu?

Izuku: I'm at school and we have to battle people one on one

Toga: don't be nervous. I'm sure you'll do great!

Izuku: Yeah...well...I'm battling Kacchan

Toga: oh

Dabi: I'll add Shigaraki. He can also try to help you

Dabi added Shigaraki to chat

Shigaraki: why tf did you add me to this?

Yozora: Izuku has to battle Kacchan one on one and he needs help

Shigaraki: do you know anything about his fighting style and go to moves? You have to with all of that stuff you write in those journals

Izuku: Yeah lol. But I don't think that it will give me enough of an advantage

Kurogiri: sorry I got here late. Remember that drill where you (blah blah blah idk what to say here) ?

Izuku: yes

Kurogiri: well try to use it against Bakugo by (blah blah) and then (blah blah)

"Izuku, why are you on your phone. Shouldn't you be thinking of a way to beat Bakugo?" Ururaka asked

"U-uh you're right. One sec"

Izuku: great! I think I have it. Thank you all!

Kurogiri: you're welcome Izuku!

Yozora: happy to help!

Toga: anything for Izu~

Shigaraki: we'll always be here to help

Dabi: anytime, bunny~

I got extremely flustered after reading that text. I could feel my cheeks burning up! I hope that nobody notic-

"You ok Izuku? You're face looks really red, you're burning up! Do you feel sick?" Ururaka asked

"No no I'm fine!"

I turned off my phone and placed it down next to me. I was so dazed that I didn't realize that Aizawa Sensei was calling my name!


I felt a hand smacked the back of my head. I turned around and saw Kacchan looking pissed at me (as always)

"Didn't you hear him calling your name, shit nerd?!?!"


I got up and made my way to the field, following behind Kacchan.

Let's see if this strategy works.

Word count: 913

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