8- the battle

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Izuku POV

Me and Kacchan got down to the field and spread ourselves out. Aizawa counted down for us.


Kacchan immediately aimed an explosion at me. Luckily I was able to dodge on time. Because of all of the stuff I write down in my journals, I'm able to know exactly what he is going to do before he does it. I'm able to dodge all of his attacks at first. But then he realized what I was doing and he decided to change it up. He got really close to hitting me quite a few times.


After a few more misses, he finally got a hit on me. I fell back to the ground coughing.


I decided it was time to try the technique that Kurogiri suggested.

I started off by running straight towards Kacchan. He was ready to fire his explosions at me in defense but at the last second I changed the direction of where I was going and ran past him. Before he was able to react I hit his back with 5%. Even though it wasn't much compared to my full potential, it still knocked him all the way out of bounds.

I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe it!
I couLdN't bELieVe IT!!!!!!!!!!!
I BEAT KACCHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I looked back at the bleachers and saw everyone with their mouths wide open in shock. If you were wondering why I said that I didn't have any friends besides the villains, any real friends, this moment pretty much explains it all. Not a single person in this class really believes in me. Sure Ururaka and Iida will talk to me. And so will Todoroki and Asui occasionally. But a friend is someone that will always be there to listen to you, believe in you, help you out, protect you, and even take a hit for you. These people, are not my friends.

I walk back to the bleachers to sit with the rest of the class. First things first. I pull out my phone and text in the group chat.

Izuku: I did it! I beat Kacchan!

Kurogiri: great job kid!

Toga: we knew you could do it!

Izuku: I would have never been able to do it without you guys. Thank you!

"Whoa Izuku, that was unexpected!" Kirishima said to me.

"How did you do it?!" Ururaka asked.

I just shrugged and said "I just.....tried to win."

Izuku: but here's the thing, it....felt different when I used my power this time. I was surprised with how much damage it was able to do. Do you guys think that.....I used more power than usual.

Kurogiri: does your arm hurt at all?

Izuku: nope

Dabi: maybe you were able to master controlling more power. How much more power did it feel like you used?

Izuku: about twice as much.

Yozora: so that would mean that you used 10%

"Izuku, who are you texting? You should be seeing if Bakugo is okay" Tokoyami said

"R-right. One sec."

Dabi: be ready for us to pick you up from your dorm room after school. We'll assess you're current capability and do some more training to make sure that you have full control of this new power.

Izuku: ok, got it

I turned off my phone and walked over to where I saw Kacchan sitting. He looked pretty beat up.

"Hey Kacchan, are you alright?"

"Tsk. As if someone like you could actually do anything to make me not alright. You're just another obstacle in my way. Heh, as if you could even be called an obstacle with how easy it is to get around you. You just got lucky, that's all."

"O-ok" I walked away with my head down. Kacchan can really get to me sometimes. It's alright Izu, just remember that you'll get to see your friends after school.

After what felt like a week, we were done going over the pros and cons of each battle. I immediately ran to my dorm room as soon as class was dismissed. I got changed into my PE uniform and checked social media while I waited for the my friends to pick me up. About 3 minutes later a portal appeared in the center of my room.

"Hey Izu!" Yozora said while stepping out of the portal and grabbing my hand.
"Come with me!"

When we stepped through the portal we were already in the training room with the LOV surrounding me.

"Shigaraki you came!" I said excited that he showed up

"I'm proud of you for beating that jerk. You really have some potential, it would be a shame if it was dealt with the wrong way. So I'm here to help"

"Thanks Shigaraki!"

"Well, let's begin" Dabi said

They started off by having me do the same drills and exercises as last time, but this time we calculated that I was using 8% for every activity. This was with me not trying too hard though. As the training went on, they had me try harder and harder, little by little. By the end I was able to use 15%!!!

"This is so cool! I have to show All Mi- uh.... all my class. Yeah, I have to show all of my class."

"But wouldn't it be so much cooler if you kept it a secret and waited until your next battle to use it?" Shigaraki asked

"Yeah! Everyone would be like 'whoa where did that come from?' And then you would be all like 'oh that, I've been able to do that for a while" Toga said

"You're right! Thanks so much for helping me with this you guys!"

"No problem" Yozora said

"I guess that that's it for today's training then. Is anyone hungry?" Kurogiri asked (Mamagiri comin' through)

"Yessssssss" we all answered simultaneously.

We ordered Pizza again and had so much fun talking and laughing with each other, just like last time. We all went to bed an hour earlier than last time remembering that I have to wake up early for school. I actually remembered to set an alarm for 6:45am. I fell asleep with no nightmares, once again.

Word count: 1056

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