4- my little bunny

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Izuku POV

"Izuku honey! Wake up or you're gonna be late!"

I groaned as I woke up. I don't really love mornings (who does) but I've learned to deal with them. At least I no longer get beat up on my way to school because I've learned to wake up early and get to school before Kacchan. I look over at my alarm clock. 7:30!!! I only have 20 minutes before I have to be at school!

I jump out of bed and head to the bathroom. While I'm brushing my teeth I start to question why my alarm didn't wake me up. Oh, that's right. I turned it off because I always wake up before my alarm from my nightmares. Wait a second.....I didn't have any nightmares last night. I wonder why. Then I suddenly realized why.

Memories of yesterday come flooding into my head. I still can't believe what happened. I made new friends. And they're all villains! What have I gotten myself into?

Well maybe this won't have such a bad outcome. They did all say that they will always be there for me. But they're villains! Villains lie! But... something is telling me that these villains aren't lying. Something is telling me that I can trust them, and that they will truly be there for me.

I finished up in the bathroom and got on my uniform. I looked at the time and I actually wasn't that late. I wasn't really late at all.

"Izuku, don't forget that your going to be moving in to your dorm today"

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I wonder if we are gonna have roommates. Well I guess that I'll just have to wait until school to find out.

When I was done with breakfast I started to head out to school. Why have I even been trying to get to school so early every day?


Oh yeah. That was why.

Dabi POV (bet you didn't see this coming)

"Come oooon Toga. Just get the dude's blood and let's go"

Me and Toga were in a small alleyway together. Shigaraki told Toga that she needed to get more blood for our next mission and he wanted me to come with her to make sure that she didn't do anything stupid. She is currently getting blood from the unconscious guy laying on the ground in front of us.

"Hold your horses Dabi, I'm almost done"

When she was finished we cleaned up the scene to make sure that we didn't leave any tracts of what we've done. We were about to leave when I heard someone shouting. It sounded like they said "oi" and then a name I couldn't make out.

"Hey Toga did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

Suddenly a man pushed another man up against the side of the narrow alleyway we were in with a loud thud. We were at the back of the alleyway so they probably didn't see us.

"What did I tell you was gonna happen if you got in my way?" Growled the blond man that was pushing the other man up against the wall.

"S-sorry Ka-Kacchan I was l-late to sc-school and-"



The blond just slapped the other man right across the face. The smaller man was quivering in fear. Wait....Kacchan? Deku?

I looked back at Toga and I could tell that she was thinking the same thing.

We both tried to get closer to the two men without being seen. And as we came into the light, we saw the smaller guy a bit better. I hoped my suspicions would be incorrect but I know that me and Toga were both shocked by what we saw.

Fluffy green hair, bright emerald eyes, freckled cheeks...


We have to save him!

I looked at Toga and I used my eyes to tell her what I was planning to do (I didn't want them to hear us talking). She nodded. I slowly crept up behind the blond. Izuku noticed me there and stared at me with such a clear expression. Anyone could have told that he was begging for help.


The blond raised a fist above his head and before he was able to bring it down on my little bunny, I grabbed it. I could tell that he was shocked at first, but he quickly started to try and get me to release my grip. He looked back at me and growled like an angry dog. And then suddenly he started to look terrified. It was hilarious. It was obvious to me that Toga must be standing behind me with a knife and her usual I wanna kill face. Who wouldn't be terrified of that?

"Now how about you go leave this little bunny alone, kid"

He dropped his hand and returned to his original scowling expression. He started to make small sparks of explosions go off in his palms.

"You think I'm scared? Huh? Well I'm not. But I wanna head to class before this useless nerd makes me late."

He looked back at Izuku.

"Don't think you're off the hook Deku. I'll have my fun with you after school"

And with that he walked off. I could tell that Izuku was traumatized. So I did what I felt anyone else would do in this situation. I hugged him.

I could tell he was hesitant at first, but after a few seconds he wrapped his arms around me and then Toga joined in on our hug.

We all let go and stepped back.

"Little bunny?" Izuku asked

"My little bunny~"

"Ahem" Toga said, obviously in need of attention.

"Our little bunny"

We all came in for another hug.

"Izuku, don't you think you should be getting to school?"

"Crap! I'm probably late. Well, thanks for saving me. Again."

And on that note I watched our little bunny run off. This friendship is gonna be fun. I just know it. Maybe me and Toga will even get to mess with a certain misbehaving, spiky haired pomeranian.

Word count: 1031

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