29- sports festival pt.2

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Izuku POV

I was completely frozen. I wanted to get away before he saw me so badly but I just couldn't get my body to move. Right as All Might began to turn my way, I was suddenly yanked back into an empty classroom by someone. Before I even had a second to react, I was quickly spun around and a pair of lips crashed into mine.

I fluttered my eyes open during the kiss and saw Dabi. He was tightly holding my waist close to him to support me while I stood on my toes cuz I'm a smol gay. My arms traveled up around his neck.


I pulled away when I heard a voice in the room with us. I looked to my right and saw Toga and Yozora standing in the room with us. I began to feel insanely embarrassed about getting caught making out with my boyfriend in front of them.

"Sorry to interrupt....uhm....that," Toga said, "but y'all are really out here making us feel hella single right now".

"Well, it's Dabi's fault for not mentioning that you two were standing right next to us." I replied while sending a glare at Dabi. Unfortunately, it was pretty obvious that he did not find me intimidating in any way.

"Anyway, what are you guys doing here?"

"We're here to cheer you on!" Toga said with enthusiasm.

"Really? You guys actually came here in person just for me?!"

"Of course!"

"Wow. Thanks guys. This means a lot to me!"

"You don't have to thank us Izuku. We're always going to be there to cheer you on" Yozora said. "Anyway, we better go find a good place to watch from before the break is over."

"Ok. Thanks again guys, I really appreciate this."

The three started to leave the room when Dabi stopped himself. "Hold on, I have to say a few things first. I'll be out in a sec". He said to Toga and Yozora. "At least you're being nice enough to make out in private this time" Toga replied.

The two girls left and me and Dabi were the only two left in the room.

"First off," he began, "I want you to know that there is no reason for you to feel bad about what happened out there."

"You knew?"

"Yeah. That's why I kissed you, I wanted to distract you from all of that. Well....that and the fact that I just really wanted to kiss you"

Dabi walked closer to me before continuing. "Second," he took ahold of my hands in his, "you're going to do great out there. I don't have a single doubt about how everything will play out, and you shouldn't either. You're going to win."

I felt way more confident after hearing those words from him. I felt like I really did have some chance of winning this thing.

"One last thing." Dabi walked over to a desk in the classroom and grabbed a container that was on it. He came back over to me and handed it to me. "I know that you don't want to go back out there into the crowd just yet, but you have to eat something."

After leaning down to give me a kiss on the cheek, he waved goodbye and went to catch up with Toga and Yozora. We've been dating for a bit of time and yet he still gives me butterflies. I was quite curious about the container Dabi gave me. I opened it up and found fresh katsudon inside of it. Katsudon is my favorite food ever, how did he know?! I guess that he's simply just the best boyfriend in the world.

After eating I heard Present Mic announce that it was time for all students to make their way back to the battle field for the final event. It ended up being a one on one fighting tournament. I was honestly pretty hyped. I've gotten pretty far with all of my training, so I was hoping that I'd get to go against someone advanced. When the bracket was displayed, I wasn't very disappointed. I was actually pretty excited.

For the first round I was up against some guy named Shinsou Hitoshi. I've never met him before. That meant that I had to use what Shigaraki taught me about figuring out what someone's quirk is. First I had to get a good look at him. He seemed pretty plain looking. Based off of that and the way that he wasn't making a move, I guessed that he had a defensive quirk. But then he began to try and make small talk with me.

He was just asking a few simple questions. One thing that I noticed is that he didn't answer any of those questions himself. When he asked me about what I thought of UA and my classmates, and even a few pro heroes, I just stayed silent. But he didn't give his own opinion on any of those things, he just moved on to the next question. It was as if he was only interested in what I had to say. It made me think that answering him would give him some sort of an advantage.

Everyone was confused about why neither of us had made a move yet so the cameramen tried to get the microphones closer to us to hear what we were saying. I could hear the crowd questioning why Shinso continued to ask me simple questions and why I didn't take the chance to go after him.

"To answer the question that so many of you are asking", I began to tell the crowd while they quieted down in surprise to hear what I had to say, "I have yet to make a move because it wouldn't be very smart. With no idea what this guy's quirk is, he would have an easy advantage over me. But you know what? I'm starting to get a bit of a clue. You continue to ask me questions that don't seem to benefit you in any way. Maybe it's not my answers that are important, but the fact that I answer at all."

I could tell that I was getting somewhere by the way that he began to seem a bit nervous at what I said. It seemed to me like I had busted his secret.

"I heard some other contestants say that they couldn't even remember your group stealing their points in the calvary battle. Apparently, the last thing they could remember was answering you. So tell me Shinso, by any chance, would your quirk happen to be brainwashing?"

His eyes widened at my accusation.

"Ha, I knew it! It honestly wasn't all that difficult to figure out. Anyway, I'm really sorry about this but I'm gonna have to end this."

I held one hand in the other and watched it charge up with energy. The green glowing vein-like lines made me feel a good amount of hope and courage. I looked up at my opponent and drew my arm back before unleashing a wave of 50% power right his way. Even though it was only half of my full power, it made a huge impact that clouded the whole battlefield. Once the air was cleared, Shinso was seen laying up against the side of the stands, completely unconscious. The crowd stared back and forth between Shinso and me before erupting in cheers. They cheered ten times harder than they did for me when I won the first challenge. The kids from the business department were now murmuring about how my smarts and strengths combined will make many hero agencies give me an intern opportunity. When looking all throughout the stands at the adoring crowd, my eyes met a pair of icy blue ones for a few seconds. His smile held a kind of intuition that seemed to say that he knew perfectly well that I would win. And I bet that he really did. Because he's believed in me since the beginning.

(A/N- Inko is currently balling her eyes out in happiness for Izuku while what watching everything go down from the tv in her house. We love a supportive mama Inko)

Word count: 1376

So like......I know that I'm technically not updating on the 23rd since it is now 1:06am which makes it the 24th......but I'm still awake which makes it the 23rd😉

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