12- the carnival pt. 3

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Dabi POV

I don't know what exactly got into me but at that moment I just had this urge to tell him how I feel.

"Izuku, I-"

I was cut off by a bright light shining in my eyes. I looked up and saw that we came out of the tunnel and the ride ended. The sun is so fucking bright compared to that tunnel, my eyes need time to adjust.

Izuku let go of my hand and got out of the boat to go find the girls, me following behind him.

"Sooo~ How did it go???" Toga asked

"Fine" I replied with a shrug.

"The lights were SO PRETTY!!!" Izu exclaimed

Heh, cute.

"I'm hungry, let's get our food"

We all went over to a little food stand. There wasn't anyone in line so we were able to order and receive our food very quickly. We all sat down at a picnic table with an umbrella so we could get some nice shade. It is pretty hot out today, what's even worse is that I had to cover up so much of my body for my disguise. It's just making me even more hot!

"It's pretty hot out today" Yozora said

"Tell me about it. You're hardly even wearing anything."

She rolled her eyes at me and looked away.

"You know.....this would be a pretty great time to tell Izu"

"Huh? Tell me what?"

"Well.....a few things. I guess I'll start?"

Toga and Yozora both agreed.

"The first thing is that we figured out how to get you to control 30%"

"REALLY?!?! That's so cool! Thanks so much guys!!!"

"That's what friends are for" Yozora said.
"I guess that I'll go next?"

Me and Toga agreed.

"The next thing is that we said we're your friends but.....we don't see it that way."

Izuku POV

30%!!! Really?!?? I can't believe that they did this for me. They are just such true friends. Seriously, they don't seem like villains at all. In my opinion, they're not.

They still have emotions and feelings and dreams. They aren't much different than heroes. The only major difference is that they weren't given the same chance as most of the heroes you'll see these days. These people have ideas, beliefs, suggestions, and all of them are intended to provide a positive outcome on the world. They just aren't listened to, so they are forced to take matters into their own hands.

"The next thing is that we said we're your friends but.....we don't see it that way."

What? They don't think of me as their friend?

I'm so confused. There was only a short pause before she continued but somehow about a million thoughts were able to race through my mind in that short period of time.

Were they just lying to me this whole time? Just pretending so that they could have me right where they wanted me? Because I'm a hero? Because I'm All Might's successor? 'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer'. That's what they say right? But no. I don't believe it. I won't believe it. I refuse to think that these people would ever betray me.

"Because......we think of you as family"

My head shot up and I looked at her with clear shock on my face.


"Yeah Izu. You're special to us." Toga said. Her tone was so sincere. I don't think I ever heard her use that tone before.

"Right guys?" She asked Dabi and Yozora.

"Of course!" Yozora said.

"Definitely" Dabi said.

Dabi POV

Family. Definitely family. That's exactly how I think of him. Right? Yeah....sure.

I was waiting for his response. Why are my palms so sweaty? It's probably just the heat.

We were all looking at him for his reply when we saw him.....shed a tear?

"Izuku? Are you....crying?"

"I'm sorry. I'm just....so happy"

We all got up and gave Izuku a big group hug. I'm not usually this much of a sap. I can tell that this little bunny has really changed me.

We all let go and went back to our seats, Izuku still sniffling every now and then.

"We're still not done." Toga clarified.

"You know how you stay in that guest room whenever you sleep over?"


"Well, because you're family, that is no longer just a guest room. That is Izuku's room!"

I didn't even know it was possible but somehow Izuku's smile managed to get even bigger and brighter at those words. God, I love that smile.

"You can move in a few of your clothes and necessities. You can also come over anytime you want, it is now your home too" I told him

"Wow! Thanks guys! But you know, that room is a little....how do I put it.....boring, plain, unexciting"

We all started cracking up at how judgmental and confident he suddenly got.

"How about a bit of remodeling? Anyone up to help?"

"Of course Izu!"


"Sounds like fun. I have a buddy that owns a shop that sells really cool room decor. I'll send you the address"

His phone dinged and when Toga looked at it she looked as if she'd seen a ghost.

"OMG! You have his name saved as 'Dabi'?"

"Uh...yeah. What else would I have it saved as?"

"What do you have me and Yozora saved as?"

"Uhm.... 'Toga' and 'Yozora"

"Seriously?!?! Let me see your phone"

He handed her his phone and she began doing god knows what on it. Why is she like this???

She handed it back and he looked at whatever she had done, obviously confused.

"Stitch boy🔥, Psycho💀🌸, and Starlight✨. What's my name in your phone?"

"Broccoli boy🥦" we all answered simultaneously.

"Oooo! I have an idea!" Toga said

She started typing something on her phone and then we all got a notification. I looked down at my phone and it said:

'Stabby bitch🔪🌼' changed chat name to 'The fam'

"Now we're officially family!" Toga exclaimed

Word count: 1006

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