17- Izuku's new friends

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A/N sorry for taking a while to upload. I've been pretty busy with school lately but I think that I'll be able to post more often now (no promises because I also have to work on my other story). And incase you were wondering, I deleted the thing I posted before this cuz I didn't see any point to keeping up my dumb rant.

Bakugo POV

"Actually, you're right about us not being his friends. We're both much more than friends to him" the hot blond said, wrapping her arms around deku.


"We're not telling" the sexy girl in red said

Who the fuck are these girls??? And what the fuCk arE tHEy doING WITH SHITTY DEKU????????????

"Anyway~ we're done in here so do you want to go get something to eat Izu? You guys can come to if you want." The blond said.

"Of course!" Kirishima practically shouted.

"We'd love to!" Sero said.

"It would be an excellent opportunity to get to know Midoriya's new....uh....friends..." Momo said.

"Goody! How about we go to Auntie Anne's?" The blond asked the group. (A/N you can change it to a different restaurant if you want)

We all decided to go there and arrived after a short walk to the food court.

3rd person POV

"It's on me" Yozora said After the whole group ordered their food.

She pulled out her wallet and started going through it.

"No no no. I have to pay for at least half" Izuku said, trying to sound polite (which the little cinnamon roll very much was).

"Don't worry Zuku. Daddy gave me a little raise in allowance this week"

"H-how much?" Izuku asked, knowing very well that she didn't get an 'allowance' from her 'daddy'.

"Well.....not as much as I was expecting but it's definitely enough to cover this" she answered while pulling 2 $100 bills out of her wallet. Izuku didn't even want to think about how she, a villain, got that kind of cash.

"Well....this and much more"

"Keep the change" she said to the employee.

'She's hot AND rich' was what most of the group was thinking at that time.

The rest of the group thanked Yozora for paying while Toga whined about wanting to be the one to pay. We all found a nice spot to sit down together and began eating. It wasn't long before the UA students started to bombard Izuku with questions about his new friends.

"How do you girls know Midoriya?" Ashido asked Toga and Yozora.

"Oh, well....." Yozora started to explain. Izuku was praying that she wouldn't reveal the real truth.

"......we actually met at a cafe."

Izuku was shocked at first until he recalled going to a cafe with the villains after they saved his life. He figured that it was probably where Yozora got the idea from.

"We saw him sitting alone, studying and we thought he looked cute" Toga said. "We had a short conversation, which was enough to show us how amazing he is, and then we asked for his number before leaving because we didn't want to keep him from his studying. But alas, Izu still has yet to return our feelings"

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