13- the carnival pt. 4

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A/N this chapter is a bit long so I apologize if you prefer shorter chapters

Dabi POV

After we finished eating we all decided that we should play some games and then end with the Ferris wheel. I really don't get what's so special about some stupid wheel.

We all made our way over to the area with all of the overpriced games. Izuku was, of course, smiling brightly as ever as he awed over the game prizes.

"I've never won a big one before" Izu said

"That's because they're all rigged. But if you want, we could try to win these games my way." Toga said while pulling a knife out of her bra.

"U-uh n-no thanks! I want to win fair and square!" He replied while doing a little heroic pose.


Izuku dragged us over to the first game that caught his eye. You had to throw darts at balloons. You get three tries to pop a balloon. If you pop 2 balloons you get a small prize and if you pop all 3 you get a big prize.

"Oooo! I bet it's just like throwing knifes at people! I wanna try!"

Toga payed the overpriced amount for the game and the worker handed her 3 darts.

"They can be a little tricky to pop, girl. You might want a little help from one of your guy friends" the worker said

Oh god, he really shouldn't have said that.

"Oh, you might be right. But I want to at least try it on my own the first time" Toga said while batting her lashes with an innocent expression.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

It happened almost too fast for that worker to process what just happened. But the look of shock on his face was hilarious!

"I'll take that pink monkey up there" She said pointing to one of the biggest prizes

"S-sur thing"

The worker handed her the stuffed monkey and she skipped away, us walking behind her.

"Where do you wanna go next Izu?" She asked

"That game looks cool" he said pointing to a game near us.

"Oh, well I wanted to go to a game over there" she pointed to the opposite side.

"You know what? It's getting late! If we want to play everything we want and still make it onto that Ferris wheel, we should probably split up. I'll go with Yozora and you can go with Dabi!"


"Okay! Come on Dabi!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me in the opposite direction of the girls.

"Wow, your getting pretty excited about this carnival"


"Don't apologize. I think it's cute, bunny"

He blushed and turned away.

We went up to a game where you had to use water guns to shoot at targets. The person to get the most water shot directly at the target wins. The more players you're up against, the bigger prize you can win. Because it's just the two of us, whoever wins will get one of the small prizes.

I saw Izuku getting out his wallet and I stopped him.

"I'll pay"

"You really don't have t-"

"Here" I said handing the money to the worker.

We both sat down at the stools.

"Are both players ready?" The worker asked

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