37- Valentine's Day pt. 4

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A/N ok, one more thing that I haven't mentioned yet! VERY IMPORTANT!!! I've been feeling pretty depressed for the past year, ever since I stopped posting. This has actually stopped me from watching BNHA. I'm no longer really in the fandom, I just catch up on fanart and fanfics for the ships I like. I stopped watching it with like 5 episodes left of season 4. I also stopped reading it and collecting the manga as well. There are literally so many people in my comment section posting manga spoilers and not a single one of them are using spoiler alerts. Please just be aware of that sorta stuff! If I do ever start watching again, I want to enjoy it and be surprised rather than already having everything spoiled for me.

3rd person POV

"You must be Izuku."

"Uhm....yeah. I am."

"I'm Rei, Dabi's mother."

"O-oh. Uhm....h-hi!"

Rei giggled over Izuku's nervousness. She completely understood it though. He was meeting his boyfriend's mom. That can be a pretty big deal for a lot of people.

"I'm guessing that Dabi hasn't told you as much about me as he's told me about you."

"Well....no. Not really."

"Well that's fine. I mean, you are here to meet me. I could take the chance to tell you a bit about me now. That is....if you'd be interested?"

Izuku's eyes lit up. He loves Dabi so much. To get to be close to his mother as well, that would be so cool! He was sure that she's an awesome person from the moment he saw her, and he was so excited to meet her. Izuku knew that he would feel some type of bond with her pretty quickly just like when he first met Dabi.

"I'd love to hear about you!" Izuku told her.

"Wonderful! Where should I start...."

Izuku had her answer all sorts of questions. What her hobbies/interests are, what her favorite color is, where her dream vacation would be. The coolest part of it all was that the conversation seemed to flow so naturally and each new question popped up easily, rather than it just sounding like a bunch of random conversation starters all jumbled together.

He found out that she loved painting and writing poems, her favorite color was blue just like Dabi, and she dreamt of having a nice vacation at a little cottage in the mountains surrounded by snow. She mentioned something about her husband promising to take her on a nice getaway like that one day, but never getting around to it. That was when the conversation moved on to more serious matters.

Apparently she had a pretty rocky relationship with her husband. He started off being pretty kind towards her, doing all the lovey dovey honeymoon phase gestures you'd expect. But after their first kid, all of that gentle love seemed to sort of.....slow down. He skipped out on most of the promises he made, he wasn't around her very much unless he absolutely needed to be, and he eventually became pretty aggressive. The day that she was put into this mental hospital was the day that she realized all that love had finally came to a stop.

Rei finally looked back up towards Izuku after keeping her head held down while talking about her husband. She watched as a tear slipped down his watering eyes.

"Izuku? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad-"

"It's ok! I'm ok! I just......"

Izuku trailed off and looked down at his hands in his lap.

Rei looked over at Dabi, who then looked over at Izuku with a sympathetic look.


"I've just.....never really met anyone else who has also gone through this same type of thing. I still remember the look that was constantly showing up on my mom's face when I was younger. My dad.....he wasn't so great either. He made us miserable."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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