21- much more powerful

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Izuku POV

"So, Zuku..." Dabi asked while putting our dishes into the dishwasher. "Wanna do some training today? It's a Sunday so it's optional"

"Yes, I actually have a really good feeling about training today. Maybe I'll finally get up to 30% after working hard all this week. When you said you knew how I could use 30% I thought it would only take one training session, not this much training."

"Well if you want power, you have to work hard for it. But I know you can do this, bunny"

"Thanks Dabi"

"Do you want to start training soon?"

"Nah, I'm still full from breakfast. Maybe we can start around noon" (yes, because our little cinnamon roll is productive and actually woke up and ate breakfast before noon unlike this lazy author)

Breakfast was so good. Dabi somehow knew exactly what to get me instead of just ordering me the same thing as him. It's amazing how well he knows me. It's also a bit freaky but like......as long as as I get some good food out of this I don't mind.

I went into my room and checked the clock on my nightstand (this stupid author forgot to put it in the last chapter). 10:20am. I decided I might as well get my homework done now, that way I can train however long I want without worrying about not having enough time to do my homework.

I took my binder out of my backpack and flipped to my agenda. I had math and science homework, and I had to study for an English test. I got my math homework done pretty quickly, I'm actually pretty good at it. I've always been one of the people at the top of my class for math.

The science homework took a bit more time because I had to explain my answers for every question and it can be a bit difficult for me to get out what's in my head. It's like I know my exact opinions and thoughts, but when I try to say them out loud or write them down, everything just gets scrambled.

When I finished my science homework I checked the time, hoping that there wouldn't be enough time to study English and I would just have to wait until after training. But sadly, it was only 11:00. It's not that I don't like English, I love English. It's such a beautiful language, I never get tired of hearing people speak in English. I have always been so fascinated by the language and I was ecstatic when I was able to start taking it in school. What I don't like is how much I've completely sucked at it from the start. I mix up just about everything and I'm awful at pronunciation.

I had only gotten through a few simple phrases when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in"

"Hey Izu, ready to start training?" Dabi asked, walking into the room.

"I thought we weren't going to start until noon"

"Izuku.....its passed noon...."

"What are you talking about?"

Dabi pointed to the clock behind me and sure enough, it read 12:10.

"Oh shoot! I guess I lost track of time, sorry! I just have to get changed and then I'll meet you in the training room"

"It's okay bunny, you don't have to apologize. Take all the time you need to get ready."

"Thanks Dabi!"

Dabi walked away towards the training room. I went over to my closet and pulled out a black shirt and a pair of green shorts. Once I was done getting changed, I filled up my water bottle and grabbed my gym bag that was filled with things like sweatbands, an MP3 player, headphones, deodorant, etc. Then I made my way to the training room and saw Dabi leaning up against one of the walls, waiting for me. Not gonna lie, he looked pretty hot standing like that.

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