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"Mom I just don't want to go" Naruto said as he pushed the cereal around his bowl "I really don't feel good today."

Kushina frowned, she fixed the new dress she got just for today. "You're going. It's the last cook out of the summer. Go get dressed."

Naruto shook his head and pushed his cereal away the last thing he wants is to go to church. He's been able to get out of it for the past couple weeks either being out or just complaining. But of course last day of the cook outs God forbid anyone not come. Literally.

Naruto just wanted something fresh, this person wasn't him. He wanted to wear the colorful dorky clothes he bought online. He wanted to see someone new, someone different. But people don't move here not when there are so many other places.

So many places he'll get to see when he leaves. A road trip. He just needs money for food and gas and nothing else. Just the road and an adventure.
Well he'll also need a car but that didn't matter.

College has never been the goal, it still isn't the goal. The goal is leaving so he can finally be someone he wants to be. Himself.

Naruto went upstairs he got out of his sweatpants and black T-shirt he walked to the bathroom. He showered and he brushed his teeth. It was clear he was doing his routine only he was doing it very, very slowly. He didn't want to go.

He put on his nice shirt and black pants he grabbed his bible and walked downstairs being sure to frown when his mom smiled at him.

An only child, a shame. It makes things harder.
Itachi and Sasuke looked at the house they were living in for who knows how long. It was a big two story house with a basement. Not as big as the old house.

"We downgraded again. Why is the house so small?" Sasuke muttered. The mansion he lived in was his, Itachi's, and his fathers. And the best part? He practically owned the third floor. His room was the only one up there.

"Why did we need such a large house for just us three? We never saw each other. It didn't feel like a home."

Sasuke shook his head disagreeing. It may not have felt like a home for his brother but it was a home for him. It was his own.

"This house is just for us two. I can think of only good things" Itachi finished with a smile as he slipped out of the car. Sasuke looked around as he got out.

Things already strayed from normal. He was used to secluded areas, a place in the woods no one in sight. A long road all to himself.

This was not the same.

He lived on a main road bushes covered the edge of the lawn, it was a barrier telling the neighbors where their land ends and the others begins.

All the houses looked to be the same size but the architect looked so different the colors ranged from light yellow and blue to brick or white.
It was all high middle class family homes and now Sasuke was living in one too.

"We're not poor, right?" Sasuke asked. His insides crumbling at the thought he truly wasn't sure what to think.

Itachi laughed and shook his head. The only thoughts he had was this will be good for Sasuke in the long run. He needs this, he repeated it over and over in his head. He could be wrong about this, but he was confident in his planning.

Let Sasuke see another world.

"I'm running the business from home and if needed I'll fly to back to father. No there is nothing wrong with our finances"

Sasuke picked up his backpack and put it on his shoulder he walked up the small cement walkway and waited at the door for Itachi to turn around and unlock it.

Itachi unlocked the door and opened it. The house was empty. Light yellow walls were in the living room. All the other rooms were white.
The house was...comfortable obviously two or more people could live nicely in it.

That's not what Sasuke wants. He wants big, too nice to sit down, all things fragile, and most importantly expensive.

"It's cozy isn't it?" Itachi asked his eyes smiling just as much as his mouth. He knew what he was doing and Sasuke was not having it.

"It's small, that is what you meant to say" Sasuke spat he went from room to room not a look of surprise crossed his face just disgust.

"So where do we sleep tonight Itachi?" Sasuke asked his mocking voice which made Itachi roll his eyes.

"We're going shopping, together." Of course they were.

"Come on Itachi! You're being ridiculous" Sasuke yelled he threw his bag on the ground and marched out of the house slamming the door shut with a loud bang.

"You're coming with me!" Were the last words Sasuke heard before the door shut completely. He was indeed going, Itachi never took no for an answer.
Naruto stormed out of the house his bible in hand and stupid tie tightly wrapped around his neck. He didn't want to go. He didn't want to go. Oh but he was.

Naruto looked up at the sky his eyes dull and depressed. Why couldn't he be himself?

A loud bang startled Naruto and the three small dark birds in the trees above. He looked to his right a dark haired boy and a new car caught his eyesight. A new neighbor? Narutos heart dropped and was lifted back up in a second.

A new boy? A new person? A new neighbor? Someone different!

Narutos eyes shined as he took a step closer and closer and closer until finally he was in the road walking to a strangers house. He's never done this before. He's never stepped out of line he kept down the loudness and the color for so long it seemed color no longer existed.

Naruto walked past four houses on the right side and five houses on the left until he finally reached the driveway of the light yellow two story house. Too many steps to count but soon Naruto will find himself doing just that counting the steps until he reached this house.

Naruto watched from the bottom of the driveway. The unknown boy with black hair stared across at his neighbors house. There was an old for truck parked in the driveway a baby seat in the middle.

Naruto didn't know how long he watched the black hairboy look at his neighbors house with such hate but he felt it had been long enough.

"Hi!" Naruto said his bright smile real and genuine a smile he hasn't showed in years.

Sasuke jumped his eyes were wide with shock. He turned quickly to the voice and looked the blonde up and down.

"I'm Naruto, I live down the road"

Sasuke was speechless no one has ever just walked over to his house to introduce themselves. All he could do was look at the blonde.

Naruto noticed the boy wasn't going to say anything so he continued.
"I saw the new car and everything, are you moving in or visiting? I'm sorry it's just this town doesn't get new people."

Sasuke closed his mouth and cleared his throat "I'm Sasuke" he said with no emotion attached. "I just moved here.."

Narutos eyes shined he smiled at Sasuke not sure what to do because he wanted to shout out with glee.

"You're my new friend! It's been decided by me. If I wasn't going to church we could hangout right now"

Sasuke looked at the Bible and rolled his eyes "Yeah it's hard to believe in something when you live this life..." Naruto mumbled as he noticed Sasukes look of distaste.

"Well I have to go shopping with my brother so I wouldn't have time anyway" Sasuke grumbled he didn't exactly want to hangout out with this boy but at the same time he did.

"Naruto!!" Naruto jumped slightly he crouched down far beneath the bushes so his mother couldn't see him.

Naruto looked up at Sasuke once his mother was gone he stood up straight and cleared his throat.
"That was my mom, I have to go. I'll see you around though! Bye, Sasuke!"

Sasukes heart skipped a beat when his name came out of Narutos mouth his face flushed he shook his head and kicked a rock.

He just wanted to leave.

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