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The airport was busier than before. Sasuke and Naruto waited at the gate. "Thanks for bringing me. I can't wait to graduate and then move." Naruto sighed.

He didn't want to go back to school. There was so much he did in the moment, so many things he can't take back. He doesn't know what school is going to bring.

"Sasuke, we're getting to get beat up." Naruto whispered. A sinking feeling hit him hard. "Oh my god. What did I do?" His hands trembled at his sides. He was high on life, he wasn't thinking.

"We're not going to get beat up. And if anything I'd get the shit beat out of me for my brother not being gay."

Heads turned to Sasuke as he spoke, it was only now did Naruto realize that some were taking pictures of them.


"The town is going to look really bad when we get back. Construction has begun and people are not happy." Sasuke rubbed his eyes. He went to grab Naruto's hand but Naruto quickly pulled away. Sasuke looked around, people were watching.

What's the big deal? His father is a billionaire. He's surprised so many people would actually recognize him. How many people actually keep up with the business side of the world?

"Are you alright?" Sasuke whispered. He put his hand on Naruto's leg. He was bouncing it, his foot was tapping the floor over and over again. He moved away quickly.

Sasuke looked visibly hurt. He had thought Naruto was accepting himself, he thought he was moving forward. He told all the people that mattered. Why was he so worried? Others mean nothing.

Naruto stared at his hands he shook his head. "I've made a mistake." Naruto whispered. He quickly took out his phone and deleted the picture. He slid his phone back in his pocket and bit his lip. "Oh my god, what did I do?"

"Naruto" Sasuke muttered moving closer to him. He looked up and made eye contact with Sasuke. His heart dropped, he put Sasuke in danger as well. "It's time to board." He held out his hand. Naruto stared at it, he picked up his bag and walked away from Sasuke.

Sasuke dropped his hand, he sighed sadly and walked to the ticket lady. He sat in his seat next to Naruto on the plane. Naruto was making sure to keep extra distance between the two.

"Did you see that? I know, it's unnatural, it's weird."

Naruto knew they were talking about him. It was obvious they were looking at him. They were staring.

"I know. What's worse is his father, he's so important. To have a son like him...."

Naruto looked to Sasuke, they weren't talking about him. They were talking about Sasuke.

Sasuke closed his eyes his mouth was formed into a frown. Naruto stared at him, why wasn't he glaring at them? Why wasn't he standing up for himself?

"Are you alright?"

Naruto turned he looked at the woman next to him. "I'm sorry?"

"Are you alright? You look a little pale, you're not sick right?"

Naruto shook his head. "No I'm not." He turned back to the seat in front of him.

All he can think about is his home town and school and all the people that are going to be there. They're going to kill him. He's not welcomed there.

Sasuke opened his eyes he turned to Naruto and frowned when he was once again tapping his feet and bouncing his leg.

"Naruto..." Sasuke whispered he put his hand on his shoulder. Naruto flinched away, he glared at him darkly.

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