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"What did you do!"

Sasuke stared at his father his mouth hung open. He didn't think he'd be here so fast. He never takes his helicopter out.

Sasuke looked like a fish out of water. He got home late after being with Naruto in the emergency room. He was fine, he's home now with an eye patch and many stitches. His ribs were bruised but there wasn't much he could do with that. "The doctor said rest." Naruto sighed. He laid on his bed, bored already. His dad was making him stay home for a couple days.

"In my defense. They were extremely homophobic." Sasuke moved his hand in his hair. He was sweating nervously. He didn't want his father to pull him out of that school. Naruto can't face it alone. "You saw what they did to him! I couldn't stand there!"

Naruto has never seen his father so mad. He was like a tea kettle ready to pop, he exploded. He yelled at the teachers, the janitors, the principal, and even passing students. His son was in the hospital and the school was too late to help.

It was something he never wants to see again. Naruto already made the decision not to press chargers. He was moving and graduating in three weeks, he didn't care. The people of this town didn't matter. He just wanted to move. It's easier this way.

"You didn't think I'd come here? Do you need to move back home?!" Sasukes father yelled. "Do I need to worry about getting a call that you're in the hospital!"

Sasuke slowly shook his head "no... I'm pretty good at handling myself." He was waiting for his father to snap. He didn't want to be on the opposite side, but he was. His father was only worried he could see that.

"If they press charges you're going to court. You're going to be a witness." Fugaku shook his head. He turned to his oldest son. "Do we know if Naruto is pressing charges?"

"He better." Sasuke mumbled, he crossed his arms and looked at the clock, almost one in the morning. He was tired.

Itachi shook his head "we don't know. We can assume he will be." Sasuke nodded agreeing with him.

Fugaku looked at Sasuke he could see the dark bags under his eyes. This usually happens around this month, now he's got added stress to the already burning fire.

"Have you been sleeping?" Fugaku asked Sasuke. He looked to Itachi for an answer but he had no answer.

Sasuke shrugged "yeah a little." He looked at his father and yawned, he quickly apologized.

"Go get sleep. We'll talk in the morning." Sasuke nodded he got up from the couch.

"You have a spare room I'm assuming." Fugaku muttered, he was tired himself. Learning Sasuke was in a fight was something he never thought he'd hear.

Itachi nodded "yes we do. It's down the hall and to the left. Everything is in the room." He smiled at his father. He did set up a room for his father or Sasukes friends. Sasuke never truly made any friends here, besides Naruto.
Sasuke stared at the TV it was off but his father was still talking to him. "The lawyers said the cameras caught it all. There won't be much is a trial with this information."

Sasuke nodded his head, he was slowly closing his eyes ready for a nap. He didn't sleep at all, he hasn't been able to sleep since the month started.

"Meaning the school will be taking over and deciding the course of action. You won't have to worry about court." Fugaku finished. He stared at Sasuke who was having trouble keeping his eyes open.

"Naruto isn't pressing charges." Itachi announced as he passed through to the kitchen.

Sasuke snapped up instantly, "what an idiot!" Sasuke yelled he crossed his arms. Naruto was such an idiot, he never does the correct thing he does the nice thing. The good guy with a big heart thing. It made Sasuke sick, he was always the same. Always forgiving, always keeping it all inside.

"Sasuke, do you need to go back?" His father asked him carefully. Sasukes stomach dropped. Was his father sending him back to the mental home?

Itachi looked up he set down the glasses filled with juice and walked over. Sasuke quickly sat up he shook his head repeatedly. He didn't want to go back to the home. It didn't help.

"I'll be alright. It's just nightmares, I can handle it."

Fugaku nodded he turned to Itachi, "if you can't handle it let me know. Or Itachi."

Sasuke agreed to that. It was painful enough to have to dreams of his mother. But he had trouble sleeping with the light on, just as much as he had trouble sleeping with it off. He really didn't know what to do.

Sasuke looked at the clock he got up and stretched. "I'm going to Narutos." Sasuke yawned. He put his shoes on and walked out the door.

No one said anything when he left but he knew they were thinking of that night, those weeks. He was a missing child, his mother was missing too.

Sasuke didn't like sleeping alone. He never has. The nightmares are getting worse, he can't tell his father that. He can't go back to that community home for people who need help. He can't do it.

Sasuke walked in the door, Naruto's father was at work. Naruto encouraged him to come over all the time. He knew he was bored.

Sasuke opened the door, he peaked into the room. Naruto was sound asleep. Sasuke smiled he took off his shoes and got into the bed. The curtains were shut he laid on his side away from Naruto and fell asleep quickly.

Naruto turned over, his arm spread out on the bed. He sat up instantly when he felt a body. He opened his eye, he couldn't exactly understand what was happening. All he knew was that while he was asleep his boyfriend snuck into his bed.

"Sasuke." Naruto whispered, he shook him gently. Sasuke slowly woke up, he glared at Naruto. "Good morning!" Naruto chirped happily.

Sasuke grabbed the blanket he wrapped it around himself once more and held it with a death grip. "Goodnight." He snapped and closed his eyes.

Naruto slumped back into his spot. He grabbed his controller and turned on his game. Why was Sasuke here? Just to sleep? Doesn't he have his own bed. He thought he'd want to spend time with him, instead he just wanted to sleep.

Naruto wasn't going to complain anymore, he could see how tired he looked. Sasuke always looked like he was trying to stay awake. He turned down the volume on the TV and tried not to move.

Maybe Sasuke slept better knowing someone was in the room. Or maybe he didn't like to sleep alone, much like himself.


The story is almost over!!

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