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Naruto got out of the car slowly, he stretched his legs and turned to Sasuke. "Oh..." he sighed, "I'll have to sleep alone again."

Sasukes face turned red, he grabbed his suitcase from the trunk and rolled it over to Naruto. He grabbed it, "guess I'll go home now... all by myself." He sighed loudly.

"I'm going to Naruto's." Sasuke said, he took the suitcase and started rolling it across the street Naruto smiling happily as they walked. They needed to talk anyway, something was going on in Naruto's head and he wanted to know what it was.

Itachi looked at Izumi, "is Naruto alright?" He asked. He didn't want to sound mean, he didn't want to be the villain, but Sasukes well-being comes first. And he didn't know if Naruto was a good influence.

Izumi smiled sadly, "he's got a lot going on. His family is a mess. But with Naruto, you honestly won't find a kinder soul."

"And that story you told in the car? Is that true?"

Izumi nodded her head, "I probably shouldn't have said anything. But he looked so upset, so did Sasuke, it just—I just said it. He has every right to be mad at me."

Itachi didn't respond, he didn't like the thought of Sasuke being with someone so unstable. He made his brother cry, he was really upset, he's never seen him cry like that. Naruto has the power to break Sasuke. It looked like Sasuke has that same power over Naruto.

Sasuke sat on Naruto's bed, he watched him take the posters off his walls and crumble them up. He hung up his clothes in his closet and smiled at his clean room.

"Sasuke, you should know that I'm going to come home with a black eye tomorrow." Naruto said he sat in his desk chair and smiled at him.

Sasuke shook his head "no you're not. I'll be by your side."

"No you won't. It's going to happen. I've already accepted it in the car. But Sasuke, if you come home with a black eye tomorrow then it's a different story."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes "meaning?"

"That I don't want you to get a black eye." Naruto said, he kicked his feet back and forth his hands settled in his lap.

"You're not going to fight for me." Sasuke snapped he stood up from the bed and got in Naruto's face. "I don't need you to fight for me."

"I don't care what you need. If it happens, it happens."

Sasuke maneuvered himself over Naruto "I'm not weak." Sasuke said, the second he touched Naruto and sat on his lap Naruto pushed him off just as fast.

Sasuke landed harshly on the ground he laid on his back the wind knocked out of him. He felt his heart crack and the tears fell. Naruto stared at his hands.

"Please stop hurting me." Sasuke whispered. Naruto felt his whole world crumple at the words. He hurried off his chair and sat next to Sasuke.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!"

"You clearly did, it's the third time you've shoved me away. This isn't good. I don't know why you're not letting me in but I'm not going to let you hurt me."

Sasuke sat up, Naruto moved his hands out to touch him put pulled back, scared he would hurt him again.

"I'm really sorry. I don't know why I'm doing this. I don't want to hurt you! I just... when you touch me, I feel like I'm doing something wrong and everyone is going to know."

Sasuke looked at him, "that's not right. No one is here, no one cares that much. It's only me.
It's only me..."

Naruto nodded his head he knew that. But his mothers voice was in his head, it was telling him that he was unnatural and wrong. But she never found out.

Naruto moved his face forward he touched Sasukes lips for seconds before Sasuke pulled away. "You can't fix this by kissing me!" Sasuke yelled.

Naruto nodded his head, tears were forming in his eyes and Sasuke could see him trying not to cry. Sasuke didn't want to hear him cry, "I think we need space. You're not ready to talk, and you need to get your anger out." Sasuke stood up he looked at Naruto "I'll see you in school. Just promise me, you won't fight."

Naruto nodded his head "I promise not to fight." He sighed sadly when Sasuke left. He didn't want to be alone but Sasuke is right. He's so mad right now and they need space before either one of them did something they'll regret.

Sasuke walked across the street his hands in his pockets. He opened the door, Itachi and Izumi were sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Welcome back!" Izumi smiled kindly. Sasuke stood there he stared at them. "Sasuke..." she hit Itachi, he looked up.

"Everything alright?" Itachi asked. Sasukes glared at him.

"Mind your own business and leave me alone." He snapped and marched up the stairs. Itachi rolled his eyes.

"He's always like that." He muttered to Izumi. She frowned sadly. "Why is he like that?" She asked.

Itachi couldn't really answer that. Because there could be a ton of reasons why he's like that. Money, family, biology, anything.

"It's just who he is."

"That's not who he is. You've seen him with Naruto." Izumi sat up she crossed his arms. "Go upstairs and talk to him now."

Itachi slumped forward he let out a loud sigh and stood up from his seat. He walked up the stairs slowly his arm slumped against the railing.

He approached Sasukes door, he put his ear against the door trying to hear anything. He didn't hear a thing he twisted the door handle and pushed the door open.

Sasuke was sitting on the floor a controller in his hands. Itachi sat next to him, "what's going on?"

Sasuke glanced at him, he set the controller down and turned off the TV. "What do you want?" He sighed, he leaned back and stared at the ceiling.

"I want to talk about Naruto."

"I don't."

"You did before." Itachi mumbled he looked around sasukes room. He couldn't remeber the last time he was in the room. When it was just the two of them. He couldn't remember ever doing things normal brothers might do.

"Yeah well, I kind of wish I didn't meet him if we're being honest. And I wish he wasn't the way he was. And I wish I didn't cry every time he hurts my feelings." Sasuke was not alright. But he didn't know what was wrong. He knew it was because of Naruto. But he also had to carry on with his life. He has to focus. "But I love him so... it doesn't matter anyway. I'll just wait till he's ready to talk." Sasuke turned to his brother.

His brother was listening, "you can get out of my room now." Itachi ruffled Sasukes hair. He got up and smiled at him.

"We'll talk again tomorrow."

"I don't want to."

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