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Imagine a picture perfect world. One with laughter and smiles. One where everyone accepted others and ignored the small differences that don't matter.

A perfect world.

A 6 year old Naruto smiled as his mother clapped from behind him. She was cheering as he peddled faster and faster finally learning how to ride his bike without training wheels.

Narutos smiles grew as he turned and quickly peddled passed his mother feeling like a he was driving a race car.

Narutos heart was a glass jar, and that day a small portion filled with a red liquid known as love.

The scene changed and Naruto 10 years old, was standing on a small stool his hands pressed in cookie dough. Flour was scattered all over the kitchen. Naruto looked up to his mother her red hair covered in flour it made him laugh. She looked down at Naruto and flicked a little flour in his hair. He laughed loudly he picked up the flour and threw it at his mother. His father walked in on them laughing he held his arms at his sides at the sight of them.

Narutos heart swelled as it grew more and more filling with love.

Over the years Narutos heart grew and grew each perfect memory was sewed into his head. Each one gave him love and a sense of safety. Something no one could take away because it seemed like his parents genuinely loved him.

The scene changed. Bright lights covered the scene, the scent hit Narutos nose like a truck.
The blond 14 year old stood to the side at the end of a hospital bed his mother laying still in the bed wires attached from all angles. His father was outside talking to the nurse he couldn't hear anything he could only pray.
That's all he did was pray. Pray for his mother, his father, himself, he prayed.

It was a couple years since the car accident that left only back pain for his mother. Severe back pain. His mother took medication to stop the pain, it wasn't enough.

Naruto looked at the front door his age was 16 and he wanted a normal life again. He made his family dinner. He waited all night for his mother or father to walk through the door but neither did.

It was that moment Narutos glass heart developed a crack and his love started leaking out. Each day it cracked more and more as the years went on until finally one day it shattered. And nothing was ever the same.

Naruto woke up with a headache his eyes felt swollen but it was because he didn't get any sleep that night he was home late and couldn't fall asleep.

He slowly got out of bed his legs cracked as he stood he wanted to lay back down but he couldn't. He walked into the bathroom he shared with his parents. He lives in a one story house with a single bathroom and 3 bedrooms.

He pushed aside the dozens of foundations and concealers his mother owns. Her makeup bag was sitting on the sink he was careful not to touch it, or even look at it. The hair straightener was out... his mother was going out this morning.

Once Naruto was finished in the bathroom he went back to his room to change and grab his backpack and headphones. He walked down the hall to the kitchen.

Naruto saw his mother's purse on the kitchen table open and scattered everywhere. Naruto titghly closed his eyes and hurried to the front door.

"Naruto!" Narutos mother Kushina yelled he stopped at the door, he looked at his mother and smiled.

She looked awful, the makeup couldn't cover the scabs on her face or the holes in her arms.

"Did you take money out of my purse!" Naruto shook his head. "Why are you and your good for nothing father always in my things! Don't touch my stuff!"

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