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Naruto woke up with a headache. The week went by very slow. Sasuke is always the first thing on Narutos mind.

Every day he wakes up he thinks of Sasuke. Every night before bed he thinks of Sasuke. When he's with Sasuke he thinks about him! He can't stop.

They've grown much closer. Narutos secret was one of many. Still the secret between them is the worst. This secret could get Naruto killed. It could get Sasuke killed.

The moment Naruto met Sasuke, Narutos whole life changed. He didn't mean for it too. Yet it did.

But today was different. Today they were hanging out at Sasukes house. Naruto has begged and begged. They've been friends now for two weeks and he's never met Itachi.

Sasuke talks about him non-stop. He is so proud of his brother and wants to be just like him. But there is an anxious emotion that overwhelms Sasuke when he talks about his older brother.

Naruto wants to know why. He's hoping to find out today.

Naruto hasn't come to terms with his sexuality. Sasuke figuring it out so fast was a shock. It made Naruto think twice about everything he does. Is he being too girly? Is he being too manly? Is there fear in eyes? Is he too calm? Everything matters.

His mother has been on his case about church every night. Sunday is for the lord. You need to read up on your bible every night.

She sometimes even quizzes him on proverbs. It was insane. She wasn't even a helicopter parent. She didn't ask Naruto about what he's been doing, who he's with, where he goes. He is free to do whatever. As long as he does his bible reading and goes to church Sunday.

Narutos mind was consumed with so much. He just wanted to be happy with who he was. But he just can't. He just can't find himself in this town of lies. He just can't be who he is. He has to change. But he can't and that is why he will never tell another person about his sexuality.

Sasuke will take Narutos secret to the grave.

Naruto smiled brightly in the mirror. He ran his fingers through his hair. He wanted to look nice for Itachi. Sasuke was like the friend Narutos always been missing. And now that he finally has him, he won't let him go.

Naruto walked down the hall and walked down step after step until he made it to the floor. He walked to door and put his shoes on.
None of his parents were home.

Naruto would be blind to have not realized how much is changing and how much will never be the same.

Hoping for something you know you will never get is hopeless. You can't expect for people to make a decision you want. You can only hope they will. Even if you don't know where your hope went.

Naruto texted Sasuke he was on his way to his house, so he expects Sasuke to be waiting for him by the door.

Naruto knocked on the door. He put his foot behind his leg and waited. A couple times he thought he heard footsteps but no one answered the door.

Naruto grew frustrated as he waited for two minutes and still no answer. He brought his fist up to door and knocked twice as hard making sure that he was heard.

"Coming!" Naruto heard Sasuke yell. Naruto sighed with relief.

When Sasuke opened the door Naruto glared at him and crossed his arms. "What?" Sasuke questioned.

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