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Naruto did end up apologizing to Gaara. He knew he went too far. He was just really angry, he wasn't going to let someone take Sasuke away from him. He finally found the person he's been waiting for, the one he's been dreaming of. He wasn't going to let that person be taken from him so easily, he wasn't going to sit back. He couldn't.

"I'm sorry Gaara. I was out of line. But I would appreciate if you don't flirt with Sasuke, ever." Naruto didn't think his apology was bad. He was sorry for threatening to beat him up, he wasn't sorry for telling him to keep his hands to himself.

Gaara didn't reply to him, he was very quiet on the way home. Everyone else was in a really good mood. He was the only one upset, he looked like he saw something he shouldn't have. In reality he just lost to a small town loser and it was eating at him. Naruto doesn't like Gaara, and he's never going to.

When Sasuke dropped them all off he waited for them to get out of the car before turning to Sasuke. "I won." he stated.

Naruto glared at him, "did you win?" he hissed. "I'm pretty sure you didn't"

Sasuke puckered his lips and turned back to the steering wheel. He did win, even if the circumstances were a little weird.

Naruto laughed at Sasukes hurt face, he knew Sasuke wanted to argue, he also knew that he wasn't going to. Especially since what happened. Sasuke knew if he just moved Gaaras hand then none of it would've happened. He wasn't paying attention, he just needed to turn and park.

Naruto yawned he stretched his arms and leaned forward, "give me my birthday kiss." Naruto requested. Sasuke didn't hesitate he leaned forward and captured Narutos lips. Naruto smiled, he was happy, he was finally free. He didn't know how nice freedom would feel.

When Sasuke started to drive Naruto started to think. "I don't think I know enough about you Sasuke. Tell me everything."

Sasuke turned to him, "well what do you want to know?"

"Tell me about your mother. You know about my mom. Tell me about your brother and your father. I want to know you Sasuke."

Sasuke sighed loudly, "I'll tell you about my mom tonight. I promise. As for everything else.." he shrugged, "my father isn't really all that close to me. He's really close to Itachi, eventually I'll work at the company and then it will go to Itachis offspring no doubt. That's why I wanted Itachi to find someone. So he can have kids."

Naruto understood what he was saying, he felt like he already knew that. He knew how he felt around his family, he was picking up things about Sasuke every moment. "I think I'm just getting too far in my head. I think Gaara flirting with you made me think I don't know you," Naruto reached for Sasukes hand. "the moment I talked to you, you just seemed so familiar. Like I've known you my whole life. As if we were always together." he looked at Sasuke, "we must be soulmates."

Sasuke laughed, "we must be" he squeezed Naruto hand and grinned. "I felt the same. When you first walked up to me in my driveway that day I knew you were going to some how disrupt my life. I'm glad you did, I don't think I would ever have this much fun with another person."

Naruto nodded his head, even if they were doing nothing. Even if they were just staring at a black wall, they always like being with each other. It was exciting, exhilarating, lovely. "You are so lovely." Naruto whispered. The word slipped off his lips so nicely, "I think that is how I will describe you, lovely."

Sasuke blushed a deep red, "no other word comes to mind?" He asked. Lovely was kind of...gay.

Naruto shook his head, "nope! It's the perfect word for you."

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