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Sasuke visible cringed at the sound, the sight. A whole group of people just standing against the wall. Wearing camouflage baseball hats, blue jeans and even a camouflage sweatshirt. They all had muddy boots on. Some were banging them against the wall to get the dried up mud off.

Sasuke glared he doesn't want to fucking walk in mud, who's gonna clean that up? If this schools is like his old school then that mud won't be cleaned till next week.

Sasuke looked around there was another group chatting by the library doors. They were dressed decently, they had name brand clothes not as expensive as others but they seemed like the group Sasuke would get sucked into.

Sasuke glared at the groups, the girls who dressed in bright colors, the girls who dressed in dark colors, the boys in camo, the boys in athletic clothes, the nerds, and then the regular people. Who didn't belong to a group so they made their own.

Sasuke didn't want to be part of any group but if he had to pick one, it would be the athletes. Hell Sasuke is a athlete and a fucking good one. He doesn't want to go to this school but if he is then he's going to make sure they all know his name. They all know that he Sasuke Uchiha, is better then them all.

Sasuke walked passed everyone making sure to keep his head up but make no eye contact he didn't want anyone to come over and talk to him. He already made one friend, one very weird friend, he doesn't need anymore.

The school was small after Sasuke walked into the office and got his schedule he pretty much walked the whole school in 20 minutes it's so small. There was one upstairs that held the high school class rooms and the whole bottom was for middle school. There couldn't be more then 90 kids in his senior class.

Sasukes first class was math he was taking four classes in the morning and then he could leave. He didn't need anymore electives. Just Math, Science, English and Economics.
"Who was that guy you were walking with?" Kiba asked. He took the dip out of his mouth and spit it in a bottle.

"Sasuke, he's new he just moved in next to me." Naruto answered looking at his phone waiting and hoping Sasuke will text him or ask him a question so he can leave.

"Weird.. we should see what he's all about" Shino muttered as he cracked his fingers. A tradition this town has of any new comers is seeing how they put up in a fight. And if they can ride dirt bikes or whatever. They want to know if he will fit their version of manly.

Naruto is so glad he never moved to this town, he's been faking it since 6th grade he can fake it a while longer. But Sasuke, he seemed like he had a short temper. Also he seemed super quiet and maybe even shy.

"I thought he was pretty cool" Naruto said, his face slowly turning red. He did think Sasuke was cool but he had this mysterious vibe. From the few conversations he's had Sasuke seems like a guy who has a lot of skeletons in his closet.

"I think you're right Shino, let's go find him."

Naruto glared at Kiba and he glared at Shino. Of course Kiba would be the one to say that he thinks he's hot shit.

Naruto didn't say anything to Sasuke how was he going to? He didn't know where he was. If he sees him later he will, if it's not too late.

Naruto picked up his backpack and walked into school alone. He wanted new friends but people, despite some being normal, people already made their mind up about him. It's impossible to change their minds. What's he gonna do?
Sasuke didn't talk to anyone he found his locker quickly and started putting his books in it. He was trying to see if he could find any smart people, anyone who looked like the could rival his intelligence but he found no one.

Perhaps everyone is as they say 'stupid in small towns' Sasuke wasn't seeing anything to not back it up. It seemed like from his perspective, everyone followed the same set of rules and thoughts. Everyone was the same.

Sasuke didn't know how to feel about that, if everyone was the same how it's no wonder this town is so old fashioned.
In the short amount of time he's been here he's seen few people look at their phones. But still, there was no community in this town.

He's walked by so much of the small town in one day and still he's never seen neighbors interact. He's never seen one guy in camouflage talk to another guy in regular clothes. Everyone is divided. By what though?

Money? Religion?

Sasuke felt shivers go up his spine as he walked past the air vent, he didn't like it here.

Everything seemed, secluded. Where is the change? Where is the new restaurants? Where are the new gas stations? Or newer clothing stores? This town is large enough for it all. Not even one well known grocery store.

This town could be the center connector for many towns. People can pass through here and actually stop.

A shame. No one sees the potential because they don't want to change from the old ways.
Naruto sat down at his desk his eyes hurt from his sleepless night. He just wanted something normal.
Why can't anyone define normal? Why is normal boring? Why is it correct? Why can't it be something he can reach? Or is it something he has already reached? It's not.

Life isn't fun when it's not normal.

Naruto watched as Iruka entered the classroom, a stack of books was sitting on his desk. The whole English class was going to start a new book. The whole 12th grade was going to read be same thing. The whole senior class was going to interrupt everything exactly the same, except one person. Himself.

"Good morning class! Let's begin."

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