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Naruto sat in the middle seat, he was very uncomfortable. He wasn't even sure if uncomfortable was a good enough word. "Where are we going?" Naruto asked. He moved his elbow and accidentally bumped arms with Sakura. She snapped her head up and glared.

"Don't touch me" she hissed, she wiped off her elbow as if there was any dirt. "We're in a whole different league, you don't belong." Her voice was low and cunning, she was angry, she was upset over something.

"I'm really sorry" he offered her a nice smile, she turned her head back to her phone. Naruto didn't like the way Sasukes friends thought. As if people that came from a low income were trash, were nothing but idiots. They couldn't be more wrong.

"We're going to waterfalls." Sasuke answered. "It's a really nice view, you'll like it a lot."

Naruto smiled to himself, he liked how sure Sasuke was. He was just hoping that one of his friends won't push him off a waterfall.

Naruto stared at Sasuke as he drove, Sakura turned her head and watched Naruto. He was staring lovingly at the back of Sasukes head. He was watching the way he turned, the way his hand sat on the steering wheel. He was counting the amount of times Sasukes eyes flickered to the mirror to look at him. He has done it 23 times. Each times only for a split second, each time he's caught by Naruto.

"I'm changing the song." Gaara said, he took the cord and plugged his phone into it. He put on a random song, he looked at Sasuke. Naruto stared at him his stomach felt uneasy.

He watched Gaara raise his hand and set it on Sasukes bicep, 10 seconds, that's how long Gaaras hand lingered there. He watched as Gaara slid his hand down Sasukes arm, it took him 3 seconds to finally get his hands off of Sasuke. Too long. He looked at Gaaras eye contact, he's been staring at Sasuke for 2 straight minutes, they were talking. Gaara was keeping his hand very close to Sasuke. As if he would grab his hand any second.

Naruto didn't like that. That was unnecessarily long contact. Gaara didn't need to touch Sasuke to ask him if he liked the song. He didn't need to.

"How's Itachi?" Gaara asked. Naruto counted to 3 before Gaaras hand was back on Sasukes arm. Holding it there, for too long.

"Itachi is good. He's happy, he actually met someone."

Gaara smiled, he squeezed Sasukes arm, Sasuke turned to him Gaara slowly moved his hand off him. "I know how important it is to you for Itachi to meet someone."

Naruto didn't know that. They never talked about that.

Sasuke beamed at Gaara. "Yeah. I'm really glad too, I think Itachi is finally ready to settle down."

20 seconds. That's how long Gaara kept his hand on Sasukes arm. Too long.

"How is it there?" Gaara asked with a dark chuckle. Naruto watched as he moved closer to Sasukes face, Narutos hand crumbled into fists. "Be honest, is everyone there as dumb as we thought?" Gaara whispered.

Sasuke laughed. He laughed. "Some" he said with a rude preppy smile. Gaara backed away, he changed the song again.

"Sasuke." Naruto said. Sasuke looked at him, he gave him a confused face. Naruto felt anger bubble in him, it wasn't going anywhere either. Sasuke was being an asshole.

"What?" He asked, he asked with such an innocence Naruto wanted to slap the look off his face. Naruto closed his eyes and turned away. "Never mind" he hissed.

Sasuke frowned, he turned back to the road and slammed on the breaks. He took the turn very sharp, Gaara grabbed onto Sasukes hand and didn't let go.

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