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Naruto woke up with a smile on his face. He had no plans he just wanted to see Sasuke. Maybe they could hangout or something.

Naruto walked outside early completly dressed and ready for class. He was truly happy to go to school today.

When he saw Sasuke approaching him with the same frown he had everyday he wished he could do anything to make Sasuke smile. He just wanted Sasuke to smile.

"Good morning Sasuke!" Naruto cheered he gave Sasuke his best smile.

Sasuke muttered an incoherent word and rolled his eyes. He didn't want to go to school today but he did want to see Naruto. Maybe Naruto can make him smile.

"What an important day it is today! Right?"

Sasuke looked at Naruto strangely. He sighed "This day isn't important to me"

"Everyday is important to someone" Naruto shot back quickly. He wanted to give a piece of happiness to Sasuke. Since Sasuke gave him so much happiness.

"That means nothing to me, just another day. It's literally just another pointless day that I'm stuck here"

"It's an important day for someone." Naruto grabbed Sasukes arm and turned him around.
"Think about it, someone just gave birth, someone just asked their crush out and they said yes. Someone just had their first kiss, someone just got engaged....." Naruto stared at Sasuke but he was looking else where. "Someone just fell in love." Naruto glanced down to his left and hesitantly retracted his hand from Sasukes arm.

Sasuke scoffed and looked at Naruto, "if you think about it like that then. Someone just died, someone just lost their job. Someone just got rejected. Someone just lost their child. Someone just, fell out of love."

Naruto could only nod "you're right." Naruto whispered. "All of those things did just happen. But regardless it's a special day for someone somewhere." Naruto poked Sasukes chest. "That's why we think about the happy things. We think about the sad when they happen to us. So let's be happy" Naruto grinned at Sasuke.

Sasuke shook his head "I can't. I hate this shitty town, I hate the people that live here. The way they drive trucks and feel entitled. It makes me sick. I don't belong here."

"You couldn't be more wrong, the people that live here they're not entitled and they know that." Naruto grabbed Sasukes hand.
"Sasuke seriously! No one thinks that. Look at this place, it's nothing"

The walk to school was weird. Naruto didn't want it to be awkward but it was and he knew why. Sasuke said it himself he doesn't belong here. As much as Naruto wants to say he himself doesn't belong here either. It's not true is it? He does belong. Right?

Sasuke must despise Naruto. He could never fall for a guy like him. Look at what he has. Look at what Sasuke has. Look at where they're from. It's so different. They're so different.

Maybe that is where you have to draw the line. Rich marry into rich. Poor don't marry rich. Poor marry poor.

Maybe Naruto has to think like that too. He has to understand. He's nothing.

Sasuke glanced to his side often he was looking at Naruto trying to see what was wrong. He wasn't talking. He wasn't smiling he was doing nothing. He looked sad.

When they made it to the school Naruto didn't say his goodbyes like usual. He stopped at the end of the parking lot and stared at the big brick building.

"Want to meet up after school?" Sasuke asked. He felt a small stab to his heart as Naruto just nodded his head. He just nodded his head and walked away.

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