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Naruto listened to the water crashing, his mind was finally at peace. He knew it was because the water was too loud to hear his own thoughts.

He often wondered about death. But with Kiba gone he has to put his faith in the fact that he's in Heaven. Even after what he did, how he died, even how he lived.

There were mostly certainly parts of his life Naruto didn't know about, he knew that. He knew that somethings people don't talk about.

He was sure there were secrets Sasuke wasn't telling him. Emotions he didn't understand. Thoughts he didn't want to address. Everyone is the same, they all think.

"I'm not happy he's gone. I'm not happy he thought death was where he'd be happy. And I am sad. But I'm going to live, because Kiba is watching. I'll live for us both." Naruto said, he spoke loudly.

Sasuke didn't hear a thing. Naruto was sure when Sasuke was here his mind wasn't. There were problems that Sasuke has to deal with too. He can react however he wants and can feel however he wants. He's allowed to, it's his right as a person.

Both Sasukes hands were on the railing, he was staring into the waterfall. Maybe he was wishing for something.

Naruto tapped his shoulder, "what are you thinking about?"

Sasuke leaned down to Naruto's face "what?" He asked. Naruto laughed, he pulled him away from the loud water and sat on the rocks.

"What were you thinking about?" He asked again.

"My brother." He muttered "do you want to go to college?"

Naruto shook his head "no I don't. I'm not going. I've decided that a while ago. It was never my thing, school."

"What are you going to do? You know I'm going right? I'm going up here."

Naruto nodded his head "I know you are. And I'm happy for you. Just make sure you're going for you. Not anyone else."

Sasuke nodded his head "I'm going because I want to. I have a plan." He smiled. Naruto stared, his eyes widened. The sun was hitting Sasuke perfectly, his eyes were bright. He was truly happy.

"I'm glad." Naruto whispered, he leaned back against the rocks and looked at the sky. "We only have an hour left here. What do you want to do?"

"I don't want to meet my friends." Sasuke sighed. He got up from the rocks and waited for Naruto to take his hand.
"Let's go jump."

Naruto rested his hand on Sasukes, he was pulled away from the waterfall and down a path. "What are we doing!?" He yelled. Sasuke stopped running.

"Were going to jump. There is water down there, I used to come here with Itachi. It's safe." Sasuke put his phone and shirt next to tree, there was no one around.

"No one will take my phone right?" Naruto muttered as he put his phone under Sasukes shirt and his own.

"No one comes here. Not since Itachi graduated college and left all his friends."

"Were they your friends too?" Naruto asked, he grabbed Sasukes hand and waited for him to take the first step.

"No. But I tagged along because I could. Itachi's best friend ended his life at that waterfall. So I've been here a lot. It brings me peace. But it brings my brother chaos."

Sasuke squeezed Naruto's hand, "any place can be one with pain and one with happiness?"

Sasuke shrugged "I don't come here because he died here. I come here because I like it. My brother comes here to pay respects. It's different."

"Every place is different for someone." Naruto whispered. He couldn't go to his and Kibas hill ever again. It is too painful. But another kid will find it, and they'll love it. And they're allowed to.

Sasuke took a step forward Naruto followed, he jumped off the cliff when Sasuke did and gripped his hand tighter. When they crashed into the water they let go of each other. Naruto smiled he moved his messy hair out of his face.

"That was so much fun!" He shouted, his heart was beating fast. Sasuke grinned at him. He hasn't felt a rush like that in so long.
"Basically I don't want to watch a movie." Sakura demanded. She stomped her foot and turned away from the group.

Naruto sighed loudly he sat in one of the seats in the theater room. "Sasuke is really tired, can't you just chill here?" Naruto muttered.

Back home he wasn't going out to stores everyday. Geez, he was lounging around Kibas house, riding four wheelers and getting high sometimes. Sasukes friends constantly want to be out.

Sasuke nodded his head agreeing with Naruto. He slumped in the chair next to him and looked at his friends. They all stood in front of him glaring.

"It's your last day here and you don't want to do anything?" Ino shouted. She crossed her arms mimicking Sakura. "Sasuke come on! We're not going to see you for a while!"

Sasuke shook his head, they always find a way to make him feel guilty. "Why do you want to be doing something? Can't you just sit at home and play video games. Maybe talk? Watch a movie." Naruto muttered a little annoyed.

"We have the money to be doing things. We don't want to sit home and talk." Sakura snapped. Her eyes fell to Sasuke who was looking rather annoyed.

Neji looked to Gaara who was staring at Naruto without blinking. "I don't mind watching a movie."

Sakura uncrossed her arms "fine!" She exclaimed, she took the seat behind Sasuke, Ino sat next to her.

"Imagine if we had some weed..." Naruto muttered. He'd be so relaxed. Sasuke sat up he looked at him.

"What movie are we watching?" Sasuke turned around he gave Neji the remote. Gaara took a seat next to Naruto.

Naruto looked at him weirdly and then leaned into Sasuke. "I'm hungry" Naruto whined. Sasuke stood up. "I'll get snacks and drinks."

"I'll help!" Naruto shouted getting up and running after Sasuke. "You have good chips right?" Naruto whispered.

Sasuke honestly didn't know what he had in the cabinet. "I mean, it's probably only old shit. If we're not here my dad doesn't buy anything."

Sasuke looked through the cupboards he found some chips and made popcorn. Naruto helped carry blankets and drinks back.

When everyone was settled in Naruto leaned into Sasuke and listened to the movie. Sasukes eyes were slowly shutting. Naruto snickered, "wow you are tired." He whispered. Sasuke nodded his head. Naruto leaned forward and kissed Sasuke cheek.

Sasuke turned to him, "I was tired why would you do that?"

"I couldn't help it!" Naruto smiled. Sasuke leaned forward he connected their lips softly.

"Boo!" Sakura shouted she threw popcorn at them with a smile. Naruto threw it back and turned to the movie.

"Thanks for everything Sasuke." Naruto whispered.

"Stop thanking me."

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